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The Truth Unveiled: Angela Levin Exposes Meghan Markle's Alleged Attempt to Steal $20,000 Bag

The Truth Unveiled: Angela Levin Exposes Meghan Markle's Alleged Attempt to Steal $20,000 Bag

A report was recently released, alleging that Meghan Markle had bullied Royal staff during her time as a working Royal. Many people were unsure whether to believe these claims, given the drama that often surrounds Meghan. However, famed Royal biographer Angela Levin, who spent a year shadowing Prince Harry for her book, joined Dan Wootton on TalkTV this week to discuss the bullying report—and she had some startling things to say about Meghan.

Angela revealed that while she was working on her biography of Harry in 2017, she witnessed some concerning behavior from Meghan that supports the bullying allegations. According to Angela, Meghan was often rude and dismissive toward the assistant staff at Kensington Palace. She described how Meghan would frequently ignore Palace staff, such as cleaners, and barely acknowledge security personnel.

Angela recounted a specific incident where she saw Meghan get angry with an assistant for bringing her the wrong coffee order and not preparing it correctly. Reportedly, Meghan berated the young woman, yelling at her in front of others, which left the assistant in tears. Angela admitted that witnessing these interactions made her very uncomfortable and concerned. She believed that Meghan’s treatment of lower-level staff said a lot about her character and her lack of respect for others.

Angela also claimed that behind closed doors, Meghan could be controlling and sharp-tongued with those serving her. Although some found it hard to believe at the time, Angela stated that the recent bullying report confirmed everything she had observed. She said she wasn’t at all surprised by the allegations against Meghan because that’s the Meghan she knows from her firsthand experiences.

When Dan Wootton asked Angela why she thinks Meghan treated the staff this way, Angela suggested that Meghan felt frustrated and constrained by Royal protocols. As an American, Meghan wasn’t accustomed to having so many people around to serve her every need and want. Angela believes this frustration led Meghan to take it out on the staff, who were simply doing their jobs to support her. According to Angela, Meghan seemed to view the staff as mere servants there to do her bidding, rather than as people deserving of basic courtesy and kindness. Angela remarked that this attitude highlighted Meghan’s privilege and self-importance, overshadowing any warmth or care for others.

Angela then contrasted Meghan’s behavior with that of Kate Middleton. She noted that Kate treats all Palace staff—from cleaners to security—with the utmost respect and kindness. Kate acknowledges everyone and often stops to have a friendly chat. Angela said that Kate sets a stellar example of how to conduct oneself when surrounded by support staff. In contrast, Angela claimed that Meghan never took the time to learn names or engage with staff in a caring manner. She believes Meghan didn’t bother trying to integrate herself into the Royal Institution and simply expected her American celebrity ways to transfer over seamlessly.

When Dan asked if Angela thinks Meghan was a misguided feminist icon or just misguided, Angela firmly stated that Meghan was simply misguided and naive about Royal life. She believes Meghan bought into her own hype as an empowering figure without understanding the reality of the institution she had married into. Angela insisted that Meghan failed to grasp that she was joining a family-run monarchy, not a celebrity platform. According to Angela, Meghan seemed to view herself as a prized recruit the monarchy was lucky to have, rather than a newcomer who needed to earn her place and respect the protocols.

In summary, Angela did not hold back in her assessment of Meghan and fully supported the bullying claims based on her own firsthand experiences. She said that Meghan’s behavior has been an ongoing pattern and that it was foolish to dismiss the allegations as part of a racist smear campaign. Angela mentioned that she had tried to warn people at the time, but no one wanted to believe the truth about Meghan’s personality.

It was certainly an interesting and revealing interview with Angela Levin. Whether you’re team Meghan or not, it’s hard to deny the credibility Angela brings as someone who observed Meghan firsthand during her time as a working Royal. Her accounts align with and corroborate the bullying reports that have now surfaced. It paints a sad picture of Meghan as someone who didn’t understand or respect her new position and mistreated loyal staff along the way.

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