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Fake Royals Exposed! Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Slammed for Desperate Bid to Be US Royals

And BAM—I got hit with yet another story about the Duke and Duchess of Desperation, Meghan Markle and her puppet, Prince Harry. These two just can’t seem to stay out of the spotlight, can they?

Prince  Harry, bless his heart, decided to grace New York City with his presence during the UN General Assembly for Climate Week.

One of his entourage (you know, the people who follow him around) is wearing a Sussex pin. I kid you not—a pin with their signature logo. Are we in high school?  Apparently, our Prince Charming threw a little tantrum because, get this—he wasn’t addressed as His Royal Highness. Um, sorry, did I miss something?

Harry, my dude, you’re in America now—land of the free, home of the brave. And guess what? We don’t do royalty here. We kicked that habit in 1776! It’s like going to a vegan restaurant and demanding a steak. Doesn’t work.

And Meghan? I hate to break it to you, but your Hollywood days are behind you. You can’t just act your way into being American royalty—that’s not how this works. We’ve already got power couples here: the Obamas, the Clooneys... heck, even Kim and Kanye were more convincing.

And what about that pin? Seriously, who even came up with that idea? Did they sit around a table and think, “You know what would make us seem important? A pin.” NO. Absolutely not. The logo? Don’t even get me started—it’s like they’re trying to brand themselves as some kind of power couple. News flash: we’ve already got power couples.

Now, I’m not the only one seeing through this nonsense. The internet is savage, and of course, everyone sees right through it too. One brilliant comment summed it up perfectly: *“They’re pathetically trying to be American royals.”* Bingo. Another genius pointed out that pins are for ambassadors and politicians—you know, *people with actual responsibilities*. Imagine if William and Kate’s staff had to wear something so ridiculous!

But here’s what really gets me—the sheer *desperation* of it all. It’s like they’re trying to create this parallel universe where they’re still relevant, still royal, still important. They’re mimicking Prince William’s events and charities like they’re doing some kind of royal cosplay. And let’s not forget, this is the same couple that claimed they wanted *privacy*, that the pressures of royal life were *too much*. Yet here they are, practically begging for attention, creating their own little royal circus.

You know what this reminds me of? Those kids in high school who peaked too early and can’t stop talking about the good old days. Except, in this case, the good old days were, like, three years ago.

But here’s the kicker, folks. They’re not just embarrassing themselves (though, let’s be honest, they’re doing a stellar job of that). They’re actually trivializing the work of real ambassadors and politicians. It’s like they’ve created some bizarre alternate reality where they’re still royalty—just without any of the responsibilities or respect that comes with it. They want all the perks of being royal without doing any of the work.

Fake Royals Exposed! Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Slammed for Desperate Bid to Be US Royals

And let’s talk about the timing. The world is facing some serious issues right now—climate change, political unrest, economic challenges. And these two? They’re worried about pins and titles. Talk about being out of touch.

But you know what? Part of me almost feels sorry for them—*almost*. It must be exhausting, constantly trying to prove your relevance, always chasing that next headline. It’s like they’re stuck in a perpetual state of trying to justify their existence.

Here’s some free advice for you, Harry and Meghan: If you want to be taken seriously, *do something serious*. Stop with the gimmicks, the logos, and the desperate attention grabs. Want to make a difference? Roll up your sleeves and *do the work*—no pins required.

In the end, this whole debacle is just another chapter in the ongoing saga of two people who can’t seem to figure out what they want. Are they royals? Celebrities? Activists? Who knows.

So, to the Duke and Duchess of Delusion, I say this: It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. You’re not in Buckingham Palace anymore. This is America, where we value actions over titles, substance over stardom. If you want respect, *earn it*.

This has been me, your royal critic, reminding you that sometimes the best way to be royal is to act like you couldn’t care less about being royal. Peace out, and remember—no matter how bad your day is going, at least you’re not trying to convince America it needs a new monarchy. Later!

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