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Lady Colin Campbell: Meghan Markle Should Stop Treating Prince Harry Like Her Property!

Lady Colin Campbell: Meghan Markle Should Stop Treating Prince Harry Like Her Property!

Lady Colin Campbell, the woman who’s got more sass than the entire cast of RuPaul’s Drag Race, has just dropped a bombshell that’s got the Royal Watchers’ knickers in a twist. According to her, our dear Meghan Markle is treating Prince Harry like he’s her personal property. 

A moment to appreciate Lady Colin Campbell. This woman’s got more tea than Boston Harbor, and she’s not afraid to spill it. She’s like the Joan Rivers of the royal commentary world, minus the plastic surgery but plus a title. When Lady C speaks, you better believe the whole of Britain stops to listen!

So what’s got Lady C’s tiara in a tangle this time? Apparently, Meghan’s been getting a bit too handy with our ginger prince. And I’m not talking about a little hand-holding here and there—oh no! We’re talking full-on “cuddle cling,” folks! It’s like Meghan thinks Harry’s going to float away if she doesn’t anchor him down.

According to body language expert Judy James—because, let’s be real, with a name like that, you know she means business—Meghan has a double clutch on Harry. A double clutch! It sounds less like a loving gesture and more like something you do to a gear stick when your car’s about to stall. Is Meghan worried Harry’s going to break down and need a quick restart?

I know what you’re thinking: Isn’t it nice that they’re so affectionate? Sure, a little tear never hurt anyone, but there’s a difference between a loving touch and a death grip, folks! According to our experts, Meghan’s firmly in death grip territory. It’s like she’s playing a real-life game of “the floor is lava,” and Harry’s the only safe spot. Every time they’re in public, Meghan’s latched onto him like a barnacle on a royal yacht. It’s enough to make you wonder if she’s got separation anxiety or if she’s just marking her territory.

But here’s where it gets really juicy! Lady Colin Campbell, bless her heart, isn’t pulling any punches. She’s saying Meghan acts like she owns Harry—like a prized poodle at Crufts, not the sixth in line to the British throne. And you know what? Maybe she’s on to something. Think about it: since Meghan came into the picture, we’ve seen a whole new Harry. The cheeky chappie who used to make us laugh with his antics is gone, replaced by a man who seems to be constantly walking on eggshells, always looking for approval before he so much as breathes. It’s like watching a real-life version of “The Stepford Wives,” but instead of a perfect suburban housewife, we’ve got a perfect royal husband. And let me tell you, it’s about as unsettling as finding a COI in your cornflakes.

But let’s dig a little deeper, shall we? This isn’t just about Meghan being a bit clingy—oh no! According to Lady C, this is all part of Meghan’s master plan. You see, without Harry and his royal connections, Meghan’s just another actress trying to make it in Tinseltown. But with Harry? She’s Hollywood royalty, baby! It’s like Meghan’s playing a high-stakes game of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” and Harry’s her 50/50 lifeline. She’s clinging onto him tighter than a Kardashian clings to relevance because she knows that without him, she’s just another C-list star.

And you know what? It’s working! Every time Meghan and Harry make an appearance, the world stops to watch. Every interview, every photo op, every casual outing that just happens to be caught by a conveniently placed paparazzo—it’s all part of the Meghan and Harry show. And Meghan? She’s the star, the director, and the producer all rolled into one.

But here’s the thing that really gets my goat: the sheer audacity of it all. Meghan waltzed into the royal family like she was doing them a favor, turned everything upside down, and then flounced off to California when things got tough. And now she’s using her royal connections to build her brand while complaining about how awful the royal family is! It’s like she’s trying to have her royal cake and eat it too. She wants all the perks of being a duchess without any of the responsibilities—the fame, the influence, the ability to make millions off her royal connections—but heaven forbid she has to do any actual royal work!

And poor Harry. The man’s caught between a rock and a hard place. On one side, he’s got his family, the people he grew up with, the institution he was born into. On the other, he’s got Meghan, who apparently has him so wrapped around her finger he could pass for a pretzel. It’s like watching a real-life version of “Sophie's Choice,” but with more tears and less world war.

But you know what really breaks my heart in all this? The lost potential. Harry and Meghan could have been amazing ambassadors for the royal family. They could have bridged the gap between the old world and the new, between tradition and modernity. They could have used their platform to do some real good in the world. Instead, they’ve turned themselves into professional victims, always ready with a new grievance, a new complaint, a new way to stir up drama. It’s exhausting, folks! It’s like watching a never-ending game of “he said, she said,” but with crowns and Netflix deals.

And now, with this latest revelation about Meghan’s clinginess, we’re seeing a whole new side to their relationship. It’s like watching a slow-motion train wreck, but the train is made of solid gold, and the passengers are wearing tiaras.

But here’s the million-dollar question: what’s the endgame here? What do Harry and Meghan actually want? Because from where I’m sitting, it looks like they want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the perks of being royal without any of the responsibility. They want the world to see them as victims while they live in multi-million dollar mansions and sign lucrative deals. It’s like they’re trying to ride their own fairy tale, but they’ve forgotten that even Cinderella had to do some work before she got her happy ending.

And let’s not forget about the impact all this is having on the monarchy itself. This institution has survived wars, revolutions, and countless scandals, but Harry and Meghan might just be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. It’s like they’re playing Jenga with the very foundation of the British monarchy, and we’re all just waiting to see which piece will make the whole thing come tumbling down.

But you know what? Part of me wonders if this is exactly what Meghan wants. Think about it: if the monarchy crumbles, if the royal family loses its shine, who benefits? That’s right—the ex-royals who are busy building their own brand in sunny California. It’s like Meghan’s playing chess while the rest of the royals are still figuring out checkers. She’s ten steps ahead, always planning her next move, and Harry? Well, he’s just along for the ride, isn’t he?

But here’s the thing: this strategy might work in the short term, but what about the long game? Sure, Harry and Meghan are hot news now, but what happens when the novelty wears off? What happens when people get tired of hearing the same old complaints, the same old grievances? Because let’s be real, there are only so many times you can play the victim card before people start calling your bluff. And when that happens, what are Harry and Meghan left with? A bunch of burned bridges and a reputation for being more dramatic than a soap opera during sweeps week.

And let’s not forget about the collateral damage in all this. Think about little Archie and Lilibet growing up in the middle of all this drama. Think about the rest of the royal family trying to carry on with their duties while their dirty laundry is being aired for the whole world to see. It’s a mess, folks—a royal mess, if you’ll pardon the pun.

But you know what really grinds my gears? The hypocrisy of it all. Harry and Meghan left the royal family because they wanted privacy, right? They wanted to escape the spotlight and live a normal life. But now? Now they’re more desperate for attention than a toddler at a birthday party. They’re like that friend who says they’re going on a social media detox but keeps checking their phone every five minutes. They want all the perks of being royal—the fame, the influence, the ability to make millions off their titles—without any of the responsibility or scrutiny that comes with it. Sorry, folks, but that’s not how it works in the real world.

And now, with this latest revelation about Meghan’s clinginess, we’re seeing a whole new level of control. It’s like she’s afraid to let Harry out of her sight for even a second. Is she worried he’ll suddenly remember he’s a prince and hightail it back to Buckingham Palace? Or is this just another way of marking her territory, showing the world that Harry belongs to her now? Either way, it’s not a good look, folks. It’s a recipe for disaster.

So what’s next for our favorite royal couple? Will they manage to turn this drama into another Netflix deal? Will they continue to play the victim while raking in the cash? Or will they finally realize that the game they’re playing is a dangerous one, with high stakes and no safety net? Only time will tell, folks, but one thing’s for sure: this royal saga is far from over, and I’ll

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