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Marriage on the Rocks? Meghan Markle Sends Wedding Ring Back to Harry Via FedEx!

Marriage on the Rocks? Meghan Markle Sends Wedding Ring Back to Harry Via FedEx!

The latest gossip swirling around X has Meghan Markle making a bold move—supposedly mailing her wedding ring back to Prince Harry via FedEx. According to the X account @BarisTheLauza, Meghan herself packed up that shiny symbol of royal unity and sent it off like it was just another Amazon return. The idea alone is comedy gold—can you imagine Harry sitting in New York, opening a FedEx package, only to find his wedding ring inside? What’s even funnier is the theory that Meghan may have removed the diamonds first. Of course, she wouldn’t be Meghan if she didn’t milk every penny out of those rocks. Why not get some duplicates made for safekeeping before shipping the cheap version? The guy probably wouldn’t even notice the difference—after all, he’s been living in a fog for a while now.

We all know Meghan isn’t actually parting with that wedding ring. It’s not just any piece of jewelry; it’s made from Welsh gold, a tradition upheld by the British royal family for centuries. That alone makes it worth its weight in gold. Besides, can anyone really picture Meghan giving up something with royal provenance? The woman is more likely to auction it off to the highest bidder than ever mail it back to Harry. After all, it’s a ring that belonged to a duchess, a title Meghan briefly held while living her best royal-adjacent life. And let’s not forget that some of the stones are from Princess Diana’s collection. There’s no way she’s letting go of that kind of money-making memorabilia.

Let’s also address the fact that this X account is questionable at best. The claim that Meghan would stoop this low is pure tabloid fantasy. But then again, hasn’t she pulled similar stunts before? Remember Trevor, her first husband? Apparently, she mailed his ring back too. So, while this rumor may be laughable, it’s also just wild enough to be plausible. After all, Meghan does love a bit of dramatic flair.

During the Queen’s final days, Meghan’s wedding and engagement rings were suspiciously missing, sparking rumors. She was then whisked away on a flight to Canada, leaving the mystery of the missing jewelry hanging in the air like one of her PR stunts. Rumor has it that whatever she’s wearing now is just a duplicate of the original. No surprise there, given her knack for the theatrical.

The real kicker in all of this? People are hoping it’s Harry who mails his ring back first. That would be the ultimate power move. Unfortunately, Meghan allegedly beat him to it—not because she’s feeling sentimental, but because she can’t stand not being the center of attention, whether in New York or at that fancy Kevin Costner event. Poor Harry, always trying to have a moment without Meghan stealing the spotlight. One can only hope he accepts the ring, waves goodbye, and never looks back.

So, what’s the real story here? Meghan has supposedly been banned from several high-profile events lately, leaving Harry to enjoy the limelight solo. He certainly looks a whole lot happier without her monopolizing the attention. Could this FedEx stunt be her way of throwing a tantrum because she’s not front and center? You bet. After all, if anyone knows how to turn a minor inconvenience into a full-blown crisis, it’s our Duchess of Drama.

At the end of the day, whether Meghan’s shipping off real rings or fake ones, one thing’s for sure: she’s always got a trick up her sleeve. Anything to keep Harry in line and make sure he knows that, no matter where he is, Meghan is always in the picture—even if it’s through a FedEx delivery.

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