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Meghan Markle Furious: King Charles Trolls Her Trademark Fiasco with New Limited Edition Release

Meghan Markle Furious: King Charles Trolls Her Trademark Fiasco with New Limited Edition Release

It seems Meghan Markle's latest venture, *American Riviera Orchard*, met an unfortunate end. Back in March, Meghan unveiled her so-called lifestyle brand with great fanfare, but instead of wowing us with her brilliance, the launch left many feeling confused and disappointed. The rollout included vague Instagram posts, some odd videos of Meghan wandering around her kitchen in a ball gown, and, most notably, a complete lack of actual products. It was more reminiscent of a Gothic horror trailer than a brand debut. 

Typically, a lifestyle brand comes with tangible products, but Meghan's launch was missing any merchandise or even a shopping option. This oversight left people scratching their heads, as it seemed her celebrity status alone wasn’t enough to make up for the absence of tangible items. The launch received more ridicule than praise, but Meghan likely embraced the attention, convinced that even negative publicity could be beneficial.

The next blunder was the infamous Jam Scam. Meghan reportedly sent 50 jars of homemade jam to select celebrities, but no one has actually seen these jars. Did she make them herself, or just slap a "homemade" label on store-bought preserves? The details remain unclear. This poorly executed move led to further mockery. As if that weren’t enough, she followed up with dog biscuits and more jam, as though doubling down on jam was a viable strategy for a failing brand.

Rumors of a cookery show surfaced, but, as with many of Meghan’s ventures, it never came to fruition. Instead, she was spotted wandering farmers markets and attending summits in the Hamptons, seemingly in search of anyone willing to invest in her struggling brand. It’s hard to imagine why anyone would back a venture that seems to be on a downward spiral.

To top it off, Meghan’s attempt to trademark *American Riviera Orchard* was rejected by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The reason? "American Riviera" is a common nickname for Santa Barbara, and simply adding "Orchard" wasn’t enough to make it unique. Meghan now has three months to amend her application or risk seeing it dismissed. She’ll also need to fork out an additional $700 to keep her failing venture afloat. This isn’t Meghan’s first trademark misstep; her attempt to trademark *Archetypes*, the name of a podcast, was also rejected. You’d think by now she might take the hint that building a brand might not be her strong suit.

Meanwhile, King Charles is showing her how it's done. He’s launched a line of limited edition scarves in collaboration with eco-friendly designers Vin and Omi. Inspired by the late Queen Elizabeth’s love of color, these scarves are selling briskly at Sandringham for £85 each. Charles is not only selling out but is also incorporating sustainability into the project, using everything from milk cartons to invasive weeds to create the materials. 

Imagine Meghan’s frustration as she watches King Charles—who is managing a realm, dealing with health issues, and being a granddad—effortlessly sell out his latest collection. Meghan, on the other hand, is stuck in California, struggling to secure a simple trademark for a brand she launched six months ago. The real issue with Meghan is her obsession with instant success; she wants to go from zero to empire overnight without putting in the years of effort most successful brands require. Meanwhile, the royal family continues to quietly outmaneuver her, achieving success without all the drama.

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