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Meghan Markle Sparks Controversy by Contradicting Herself on American Riviera Orchard Launch

Meghan Markle Sparks Controversy by Contradicting Herself on American Riviera Orchard Launch

It seems like Meghan can’t fool anyone this time because, if you pay attention to what’s being said in the press right now about American Riviera Orchard, it looks like Meghan has just been exposed—big time. Is she lying about the launch of American Riviera Orchard? Opinion, conspiracy theory, or whatever—it’s definitely a possibility, and here’s why.

Meghan has just received a huge blow as her trademark application for American Riviera Orchard has been denied. Yep, you heard that right. She’s been given three months to respond, and this is a major setback for her brand. Meghan has tried to trademark almost everything under the sun, including dog biscuits—yes, dog biscuits! But now, she’s been warned that if she doesn’t respond in the next three months, her application could be abandoned. And if it’s not trademarked properly, American Riviera Orchard could be dead in the water.

So, why was her trademark bid unsuccessful? The officials laid it all out in a 48-page action report, citing issues like a requirement to amend the identification of goods, a multiple class application requirement, and the need to disclaim Riviera’s descriptive wording. Anyone applying for a U.S. trademark risks rejection if the mark is geographically descriptive, which could prevent others from describing their products. Meghan also faltered because the descriptions of the products she wanted to trademark were too broad—they weren’t specific enough. This included items like cocktail napkins, pans, cooking utensils, and more.

A U.S. source mentioned that the process for acquiring a trademark is extremely rigorous, so it’s not surprising Meghan has hit a snag. But despite this, she’s apparently still very committed to her brand and has three months to respond, making sure it doesn’t lead to abandonment.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. While Meghan’s trademark application has been denied, reports are surfacing that she couldn’t be more excited to launch American Riviera Orchard when her Netflix series is released early next year. But wait a minute—how can you launch a brand when you don’t have all your ducks in a row, especially when your trademark application has been rejected? It doesn’t add up, does it? To me, this only means one thing: Opinion, conspiracy theory, or whatever—Meghan may have just been caught in a major lie regarding the launch of American Riviera Orchard.

Sources claim that the launch of American Riviera Orchard will perfectly coincide with the release of her Netflix series, which insiders say will reflect Meghan’s personality—she loves hosting events and is very thoughtful about how she treats her guests. But with all the energy she’s supposedly putting into American Riviera Orchard, shouldn’t her top priority be getting this trademark situation sorted out?

It makes you wonder—why didn’t she hire the best people to handle this from the start? You’d think she’d want to avoid these kinds of problems, right? Yet here we are, asking the question: How can Meghan be so excited about the launch of American Riviera Orchard when she doesn’t even have the trademarks approved? Have we just exposed Meghan in a major lie?

Royal Sage at Sage 141 seems to agree with me, suggesting this might be why Meghan put out a puff piece about her company having no speed bumps. It looks like the truth is coming out—she might be lying. And let’s not forget, just last week, reports surfaced that Meghan is still struggling to find a CEO for American Riviera Orchard after 18 staff members have quit. She’s having a tough time getting it off the ground, and it’s likely this struggle to hire a CEO is a direct reason for the delay in the launch.

So again, Meghan’s team might say she’s excited to launch American Riviera Orchard, but with her trademark application being denied and reports of her struggle to find a CEO, it seems like things are not as rosy as she’d like us to believe. How can you launch a brand without everything in place? It just doesn’t make sense.

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