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Meghan Markle’s Ally Claims She’s Eyeing Kate Middleton’s Role for Royal Comeback

Meghan Markle’s Ally Claims She’s Eyeing Kate Middleton’s Role for Royal Comeback

Well, according to some very chatty little birdies—and by birdies, I mean close allies who are about as loyal as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs—our dear Meghan has her sights set on a prize bigger than a Hollywood Oscar. Drumroll, please... She wants Kate’s role! That’s right, apparently Meghan, the "just a simple American girl who happened to marry a prince," is eyeing the future Queen’s corner office like it’s the last avocado toast at a millennial brunch spot. Talk about reaching for the stars—or should I say, the crown.

This isn’t just about Meghan wanting to play dress-up in Kate’s designer wardrobe—though, let’s be honest, who wouldn’t? No, this is all part of a master plan for a royal return that’s more calculated than a chess grandmaster on steroids.

 A red herring so big it could feed the entire royal household for a week! The real issue is far juicier than a Sunday roast. It’s about those mysteriously elusive children, Archie and Lilibet—or should I say, "rented ghost kids"? Oh yes, we’re going there.

This mystery is more intriguing than figuring out what’s really in those little sandwiches they serve at afternoon tea. On one hand, we have Meghan and Harry insisting they have two adorable royal rugrats. On the other hand, we’ve seen a distinct lack of public appearances by said rugrats, leading some to speculate these kids are about as real as unicorns at the Tower of London.

I mean, come on! In an age of social media oversharing, where people post photos of their breakfast, lunch, and every sneeze in between, we’re supposed to believe two of the most famous children in the world are being kept under wraps tighter than the crown jewels? Something smells fishier than the Thames at low tide if you ask me.

But here’s where it gets really juicy, fellow royal sleuths. According to our sources, Meghan is more afraid of bringing these "rented ghost kids" to the UK than she is of facing a pack of hungry corgis without treats in her pocket. Why, you ask? Well, hold onto your fascinators, because this theory is wilder than Prince Harry’s bachelor party! Apparently, if Meghan brings these kids to the UK, the truth will come out faster than you can say "abdication," and her whole master plan will collapse like a badly made soufflé at a royal banquet.

It’s a high-stakes game of poker, but instead of chips, they’re playing with tiaras and titles. Now I know what you’re thinking: "But Critic, surely there’s proof these children exist?" Well, my dears, that’s the million-pound question, isn’t it? Despite living in an age where we can see what Kim Kardashian had for breakfast, we’ve seen neither hide nor hair of Archie and Lilibet.

And here’s the kicker—our sources claim there’s concrete proof these ghost kids are as fake as a three-pound note. Now, I’m not saying I believe it, but I’m not saying I don’t either. After all, stranger things have happened in the royal family. Remember when Prince Charles admitted to talking to his plants? Compared to that, ghost children almost seem reasonable.

Let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture. This whole situation is more complex than trying to understand the rules of cricket after a few pints at the pub. On one side, we have Meghan and Harry, the dynamic duo who decided royal life wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be and hightailed it to the land of green juice and therapy. They’ve been crying security concerns louder than a town crier with a megaphone. On the other side, the royal family stands stiffer than the guards at Buckingham Palace, probably wondering if they can get a refund on all those "I’m a Big Brother" T-shirts they bought for Prince George.

Caught in the middle? The British public, trying to make sense of it all while wondering if it’s too early to crack open a bottle of gin.

 If our sources are to be believed—and in the world of royal gossip, that’s a big "if"—Meghan’s plan is more intricate than the patterns on royal china. Step one: Use security concerns as an excuse for not coming back to the UK. Genius! Who can argue with safety? It’s like saying you can’t go back to work because you’re allergic to Mondays. Step two: Keep the kids under wraps tighter than a mummy in the British Museum—no photos, no public appearances, nothing. In Meghan’s world, apparently, the less people see your children, the more real they become. It’s like royal quantum physics. Step three: Wait for the perfect moment to swoop in and claim Kate’s role—because obviously, that’s how monarchy works. You just call dibs on a title like it’s the front seat on a road trip.

Meanwhile, while Meghan’s allegedly plotting and planning like a Bond villain with a tiara, Prince Harry has been spotted back in the UK. That’s right, our ginger prince made a surprise appearance at his uncle’s funeral, rubbing shoulders with the family he left behind faster than you can say "Megxit." And where was Meghan during all this? Probably back in California, sipping green juice and practicing her curtsy just in case her master plan actually works.

But let’s be real for a moment. Underneath all this drama and speculation, there’s a very human story—a story of family, of belonging, of trying to find your place in a world that watches your every move. On one hand, we have Harry, a man who grew up in the spotlight, lost his mother in the most public way possible, and has spent his life trying to figure out who he is beyond his title. On the other hand, we have Meghan, an outsider who stepped into the world of tradition and protocol, perhaps underestimating how much her life would change when she said, "I do" to a prince.

And caught in the middle? Two children, real or not, who didn’t ask to be born into this circus. If Archie and Lilibet do exist—and let’s face it, the alternative is a conspiracy theory wilder than crop circles—they’re growing up in a world where their very existence is questioned, where their parents' every move is scrutinized, and where they’re part of a family they’ll never really know.

Are Meghan and Harry plotting a royal coup that would make Game of Thrones look like a kid’s tea party? Are Archie and Lilibet real, or are they the royal equivalent of Bigfoot? Will Meghan ever master the art of the royal wave? The truth is, dear royal watchers, we may never know. The palace walls are high, insiders' lips are sealed, and the world of the royals is more mysterious than the recipe for HP sauce.

But one thing’s for sure—this royal drama is far from over. It’s got more twists and turns than a double-decker bus on a country lane, and there’s no sign of it slowing down. So, my advice? Grab your popcorn, pour yourself a cup (or something stronger—I won’t judge), and settle in for the show. Whether you’re Team Meghan, Team Kate, or Team "I’m just here for the drama," this royal saga is the gift that keeps on giving.

And who knows? Maybe one day, we’ll see Meghan and Harry back on the Buckingham Palace balcony, waving to the crowds with their not-so-ghost children. Or maybe we’ll see them starring in a reality show called Keeping Up with the Californian Sussexes. At this point, anything’s possible.

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