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New Revelations! Meghan Markle Exposed in Samantha Markle Appeal

New Revelations! Meghan Markle Exposed in Samantha Markle Appeal

Megan Markle's sister, Samantha Markle, is not backing down in her legal fight. She has filed an appeal, and we’re joined by her attorney, Peter Tickton, to discuss the developments.

Megan hoped to have it dismissed, but it seems that's not happening.

No, it’s not. While one judge may lean in her favor, there are three other judges who will have a say in this case.

 I’ve reviewed the filing, and it seems like you have a strong case. Many are urging Samantha to move on, but I've been with you in court, and I believe there’s merit to this. Samantha was defamed, and the damages are evident, especially regarding Christopher Boozy’s claims, which seem to stem from Megan. 

 Exactly. The judge appeared to treat the quotes as isolated statements rather than considering how they interact as a whole. In reality, the statements, especially those from the Netflix series, paint a harmful picture of Samantha. Casual viewers might perceive her as a bitter opportunist, which is far from the truth.

So, to clarify, Megan’s comments imply that Samantha is just pretending to be her sister and doesn't have the right to speak about her?

Yes, in her interview with Oprah, Megan said, "You don’t know me. Betrayal comes from someone you have a relationship with," suggesting Samantha has no relationship with her. This casts Samantha as a fraud and a liar, which can be damaging to her reputation. 

 What about Boozy's statements? They seem even more damaging.

Right. Boozy directly labeled Samantha as part of a small group responsible for online chaos, linking her to disinformation campaigns. This, combined with Megan’s production of the Netflix content, holds significant weight. Megan could have requested edits to remove falsehoods but chose not to.

So, if this goes to a panel of three judges in the appeals court, how confident are you about your chances?

The judges in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals have a reputation for being fair. I don’t want to assume anything about Judge Honeywell’s political leanings, but judges are human and can be influenced by their perspectives.

Many are concerned about the political implications. Do you think they’ll assess the case fairly?

I believe so. The case could set important legal precedents regarding defamation and its implications, particularly in media.

Let’s shift to Megan’s recent focus on mental health and her efforts to support parents online. It seems contradictory given her estrangement from her own family.

It’s ironic. Here she is, trying to advocate for parents, yet she’s cut off communication with her own father, who has health issues. The disconnect is stark.

It raises questions about her empathy, doesn’t it?

Absolutely. Her actions seem manipulative, and it’s troubling that she’s promoting support for parents while disowning her own. 

 Any final thoughts for our audience?

 I believe we have a solid chance with this appeal. This isn’t just about sibling rivalry; it's about serious defamation that has real consequences for Samantha. It’s crucial that those in the public eye are held accountable for their statements.

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