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Piers Morgan Crushes Prince Harry's Latest Statement: 'Utter Nonsense!'

Piers Morgan Crushes Prince Harry's Latest Statement: 'Utter Nonsense!'

Prince Harry showed up at the Clinton Global Initiative Summit in New York City, and guess what? He’s talking about this new project he’s cooked up, called "Archie’s Parent Network." Sounds impressive, right? But let’s be real for a sec—since when did Harry become an expert on parenting?

Protecting kids online is important. But with Harry, you’ve got to wonder. And here’s where it gets juicy: our man Piers Morgan—you know, the guy who never minces words—he’s not buying it either. And honestly, can you blame him? Piers fired off a zinger, saying, “Hey Harry, got any advice on how to protect the royal family from being trashed in books and Netflix docs?” Oof! Piers has a point.

Harry and Meghan have been airing the royal family’s laundry for years, spilling all the tea and cashing in on their royal connections. But wait, it gets better. Harry’s up there on stage, trying to sound all serious, saying things like, “There’s still critical work to do,” and calling the online world a “pervasive threat.”

Or should I say, the Duchess in the shadows—Meghan Markle, the Puppet Master herself. Now, I’m not saying she’s evil, but think about it. Every time Harry opens his mouth these days, it’s like you can see Meghan’s lips moving. This whole thing is carefully crafted, for sure.

Remember their kids, Archie and Lilibet? Yeah, the ones we’ve barely seen. The ones some people are starting to wonder if they even exist. Not saying they’re not real, but where’s the proof?

Speaking of stunts, let’s dive into the new Archewell initiative. On the surface, it’s all about protecting kids online. Sounds noble, right? But dig a little deeper, and you start to see the cracks. They’re trying to limit what the news and social media can say about them—all under the guise of protecting their children. It’s like they’re playing 4D chess, but don’t forget, we can see the board.

The thing is, Harry and Meghan aren’t royals anymore. They’re just two hungry Z-list celebs trying to stay relevant. And yes, I know some of you might be thinking, “Aren’t you being a bit harsh?” Maybe I am. But somebody’s got to call it like they see it.

Harry and Meghan have been playing this game for years, and honestly, it’s getting old. They claim they want privacy, but they can’t seem to stay out of the headlines. And let’s not forget the hypocrisy—Harry’s talking about the dangers of social media, but where do you think their fan base lives? That’s right—on social media!

But you know what really gets to me? The way they’re using real issues as a smokescreen for their own agenda. Online safety for kids is a serious matter, deserving real attention from people who know what they’re doing. Not from a prince who’s so far removed from reality, he probably thinks Instagram is a new type of royal telegram.

Of course, now they’re back with some new initiative or important message—like clockwork. But here’s the real question we should be asking: What’s the endgame? What do Harry and Meghan want from all this? Because from where I’m sitting, it looks like they’re just trying to stay relevant. They ditched their royal duties for “privacy,” but they can’t seem to stay out of the public eye.

It’s the same story over and over again, and frankly, we’re all tired of it. The constant drama, the hypocrisy. I’m tired of them acting like they’re some kind of saviors. So here’s my message: If you really want to make a difference, if you really care about the issues you claim to care about, then do something real. Stop the publicity stunts, stop with the vague initiatives and grand speeches. Roll up your sleeves and do some actual work. And for the love of all that’s holy, stop dragging your family through the mud!

But who am I kidding? They’re not going to change. This is who they are now—professional drama stirrers, living off the fumes of their royal connections. And you know what? Maybe that’s okay. Maybe we need people like them to remind us what integrity looks like.

Another day, another royal drama. But hey, at least it keeps us entertained. Who knows? Maybe one day they’ll surprise us and do something genuinely meaningful.

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