The rumor mill is spinning, and speculation is rampant—have Prince Harry and Meghan Markle finally called it quits? Or is this just wishful thinking by their critics?
Some of them have even gone viral. One particularly notable claim came from an online source saying, “I just got word that Prince Harry has officially filed for divorce!” Now, hold up—I don’t believe that’s official just yet.
I’m not throwing shade at anyone, but we need to be cautious about jumping to conclusions. As some people dig deeper, like one commenter said, “I think they are separated, but it won’t be officially announced until a deal has been struck.” Another chimed in recently saying, “It’s over. I know they’re officially separated.”
Again, no disrespect to these accounts; I think there could be some truth to the speculation, but until we get confirmation from the palace or a reliable media outlet, it’s still just a rumor.
Now, does that mean the rumor isn’t valid? Absolutely not. This speculation has been swirling for a while, especially considering all the separate appearances Harry and Meghan have been making recently. I wanted to check in with all of you—what do you think? Are these separations leading to a divorce?
This question has been on my mind as I’ve been working on my documentary. I’m excited to tell you that a potential divorce, and what that would look like, is a big part of the project. We’ve spoken to many experts on the matter, and I can’t wait to share all the insights with you when the documentary drops later this year.
I’m not saying I’m excited about the idea of a divorce, but the rumors are getting louder, and that’s exactly what my team and I have been researching. So, make sure to subscribe, hit that bell, and smash that like button, because you won’t want to miss what we’ve got coming.
Back to the rumors—these theories are coming from online commentators, influencers, and even some so-called sources. None of my personal sources have confirmed this yet, but I wouldn’t be shocked if it were true. However, Harry and Meghan are known for being manipulative and calculated, so I’d expect them to be more strategic about how this all plays out.
I don’t see Harry being the one to file for divorce. Meghan seems to be in control of their narrative, and if Harry files, it would look like he’s giving up on her. I just don’t think she would allow that to happen. But who knows? In a divorce, the optics of who files and how it’s handled could have a significant impact.
I agree with some of the takes out there—mentally, they may be separated, but they probably know they’re better off together, at least for now. After all, they’ve dug themselves into quite a hole, and I don’t think Harry has the strength to cut ties, especially with the kids involved.
If the divorce rumors are true, we’ll report on it. But for now, I’m skeptical. I’m curious what you think: If they do go through with it, who do you think will file first? Will they try to make it a joint decision to save face?
There’s also the matter of timing. Harry and Meghan have several joint projects in the works, including a new Netflix series and Meghan’s upcoming cooking show. Would they really file for divorce just as these ventures are about to launch? I find that hard to believe. Even if Harry wants out, I suspect they would wait until after these projects are off the ground.
At this point, we’re still waiting for solid proof. But we have seen signs that their relationship might be strained. For instance, there’s been a noticeable separation in their professional lives. As one source said, “Harry is going back to the basics, while Meghan is trying to upstage him with her own projects.” This has led to speculation that their relationship may be more of a business partnership than a romantic one.
However, just because they’re working separately doesn’t necessarily mean they’re headed for divorce. From a strategic standpoint, spreading out their appearances could make sense. After all, they each have their own brand, and it’s not uncommon for couples to pursue individual goals.
Still, the rumors persist. Some people are eager to see Harry and Meghan split, but is that just wishful thinking from their detractors? Only time will tell.
I’ve spoken to a lot of experts for my documentary, and not everyone believes a divorce is imminent. Many think the couple is stronger together, especially from a business perspective. Harry might be better off without Meghan, but she certainly benefits from their partnership. The real question is: Does Harry have the guts to end it?