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CCTV Shocker: Meghan Markle Caught Bullying Guest at LA Gala—Lizzie Cundy Exposes the Truth!

CCTV Shocker: Meghan Markle Caught Bullying Guest at LA Gala—Lizzie Cundy Exposes the Truth!

The glitzy LA Children's Hospital Gala, one of the biggest charity events in Tinseltown. We're talking Hollywood royalty everywhere. And who should make a grand entrance, like she owns the place? None other than Meghan Markle herself.

Lizzie Cundy was there and spilled all the juicy details. When Meghan arrived, her security team was pushing people out of the way as if she was presenting an award or something. But here’s where it gets wild, folks: Lizzie says Meghan barely stayed at the event! Just long enough to pose for some photos, and then she was out the door. She didn’t even get up on stage at all!

And hold onto your hats, because here’s the kicker. Apparently, when a guest politely asked Meghan for a selfie, she looked at them like they had just insulted her grandmother! Lizzie said, and I quote, “Her face looked like she'd swallowed a wasp.” Can you believe it? At a charity event, no less!

Now, I try to give her the benefit of the doubt—maybe she was having a bad day—but come on. We're talking about sick kids here. If you can't put on a smile for that, then when can you? It really breaks my heart, because here's the thing: William and Kate, they get it. Every time I see them out and about, they’re all smiles, shaking hands, really connecting with people. That’s what being a royal is all about, isn’t it? But it seems like someone forgot to pass that memo to Meghan.

It feels like she wants all the perks of being famous without any of the responsibility. You know, I remember when Harry and Meghan first got together, and there was so much excitement about it. They were like a breath of fresh air! But then came the Oprah interview, the constant media appearances—oh my God, the Netflix deal—and it all started to feel less like two people wanting to make a difference and more like a well-oiled PR campaign.

And that’s the real tragedy, folks. Because there are so many important causes out there, but instead, we’re left talking about Meghan’s latest social faux pas. It’s disappointing, really. I truly believe, deep down, that Meghan and Harry want to do good in the world. But something tells me they’ve gotten so caught up in the fame that they’ve forgotten where it really matters.

Look, I get it—fame is a tricky beast, and when you're in the spotlight, everything you do is magnified. But that’s exactly why it matters so much to stay grounded. William and Kate understand this. They show up, they engage, they use their platform to amplify important causes, and they do it with genuine warmth and compassion. That’s the British way! But Meghan? She seems more interested in being seen than actually making a difference.

Now, some of you might be thinking, “Come on, you’re being too harsh. Everyone has off days.” And you're right—we’re all human, after all. But when you’re in a position of privilege and influence, you have a responsibility to do better, to rise above your personal feelings, and to remember the bigger picture.

The sad truth is, this isn't an isolated incident. We’ve seen this pattern from Meghan time and time again, with her public appearances and the strategically timed leaks to the press. And let me tell you, Hollywood is starting to catch on. The shine is wearing off, and people are beginning to see through the act.

Because at the end of the day, this town respects genuine work and talent. That’s why beloved stars like Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep have stayed on top for decades. They show up, they do the work, and they never forget to be grateful for their success. Fame is fleeting, folks.

So, here’s my message to Meghan, if she happens to be watching this—and let’s face it, she probably is. It’s not too late to turn things around. Take a step back, remember why you got into philanthropy in the first place, and really connect with people. Use your voice for those who don’t have one. Because at the end of the day, that’s what being a role model is all about.

It’s not about designer dresses or magazine covers—it’s about making a difference. William and Kate get it, and I truly hope that one day Meghan will too. Just imagine the good she could do if she got out of her own way.

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