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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Marriage Facing 'Significant Strain,' Warns Dan Wootton

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Marriage Facing 'Significant Strain,' Warns Dan Wootton

For many years, I have reported on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and their tumultuous relationship, which has captivated public attention. This narrative has often been overlooked by the British press, particularly the Royal Rotor, that group of journalists granted official access to the royal family. However, in the last six months, I have tracked the evolving and increasingly fragile dynamics between the Sussexes. Prince Harry is slowly beginning to recognize that the warnings he received from lifelong friends and family might hold some truth. 

The honeymoon phase is over. Harry’s decision to reconnect with former friends and advisers is a clear indication that he realizes the impact his marriage has had on his professional brand. The rifts have been widening for some time. Meghan is frustrated with Harry’s legal battles against British tabloids, while Harry is increasingly alarmed by reports of Meghan's alleged bullying of staff both in the royal households and at their home in California. This dynamic makes Harry appear to be a major hypocrite, which he is.

Concerns about finances have created genuine stress for the couple. Both desire a billionaire lifestyle, complete with private jets and an unnecessarily large security detail, all while their earning potential has plummeted. Meghan has convinced Harry that she can become the primary breadwinner, allowing him to focus on philanthropic endeavors. However, Harry has found Hollywood’s lack of success and delivery frustrating. He seems to have a poor work ethic when it comes to developing creative concepts.

We might feel some sympathy for Harry, as he has been institutionalized within the royal framework. One could compare him to a caged zoo animal, used to a routine of low-energy engagements, usually overseas in places like Africa or the Caribbean. There, he is the center of attention, treated like royalty for doing very little.

This backdrop led to the delayed confirmation by People magazine—one of the few U.S. publications that remains loyal to the Sussexes—that they are adopting what is being referred to as a "twin track" approach. A friend (and I use the term loosely) disclosed to the magazine that this approach is indeed evolving.

So what does this mean? Allow me to translate the public relations jargon. The report claims that Harry is now focused on patronage work, which, in reality, means he has given up on being an independent businessman. Instead, he will rely on his inheritance and royal connections to maintain an extravagant lifestyle—something that would make Princess Margaret blush. Meanwhile, Meghan is said to be focusing on her entrepreneurial endeavors, which frankly reveals her true priority: money. Surrounded by Hollywood success stories, like Kris Jenner, she’s now openly admitting this.

However, I believe their strategy is fundamentally flawed. Meghan has become commercially toxic, as evidenced by her Red Dress appearance. She had opportunities with Netflix and Spotify to demonstrate her box office appeal, but those ventures fell flat. Her upcoming cooking series is unlikely to fare any better. Harry and Meghan seem to have missed the point of why corporations and entertainment giants were willing to pay them exorbitant sums: they wanted a direct connection to the prestige of the royal family. With Harry largely out of the picture, allowing Meghan to take the lead on commercial deals, I doubt even the backing of a powerful agent like Ari Emanuel will lead to any significant contracts in the future.

All of this context has placed considerable strain on their marriage. Nonetheless, there are aspects of Harry’s life in California that he enjoys: the weather, the proximity to the beach. Yet, like many Brits who move Stateside, he has realized that most connections in Hollywood are transactional. The bonds he once shared with his Eton classmates, aristocratic pals, and army mates are irreplaceable.

As Harry and Meghan navigate their struggles, Harry has grown increasingly paranoid about security and frustrated by what he perceives as the UK government’s efforts to hinder his ability to return home regularly. This frustration deepens as he contemplates the relentless march of time. He knows he has less than a decade before the world shifts its focus to Prince George, and he has an alarmingly thinning crown of hair. 

Harry’s father is not returning his calls, his brother is ignoring him, and his cousins feel deeply betrayed. While some may feel sympathy for Harry, I do not. He has created this situation himself and is now increasingly controlled by a “dictator in high heels,” as described by The Hollywood Reporter. For now, they will continue to work within this arrangement because, frankly, neither has a choice. But trust me, this will not end well; it’s only a matter of time.

To discuss this further, I am delighted to be joined once again by Britney, the editor of the brilliant Royal News Network. Britney, I wanted to give everyone an update on the state of Harry and Meghan’s marriage, especially since so many rumors are circulating. We cover topics that mainstream media often overlooks or is too timid to report. It’s crucial to paint a clear picture based on information from friends, royal sources, and Hollywood insiders. Unfortunately, the outlook is grim, isn’t it?

Yes, there’s immense pressure on Harry and Meghan. They really missed their window of opportunity. Initially, when they secured their Netflix and Spotify deals, Hollywood was throwing money at them. However, they sat on that money and failed to deliver the content that would secure further mega deals. Now, Netflix is dissatisfied, and Spotify is even more frustrated. This pressure undoubtedly strains their relationship as they search for a new path forward.”

“Harry seems to be leaning towards philanthropy, which isn’t a sustainable career choice. He’s essentially reverting to his royal roots, while Meghan is attempting to launch her own entrepreneurial ventures. But I don’t see her succeeding either. They appear to believe that their titles alone should guarantee them income without the hard work that typically yields success. It’s frustrating because they seem incapable of producing content.”

“It’s astonishing, really. All they needed to do was deliver content to make their endeavors successful, yet they have consistently refused to do so. Part of the issue is their difficulty in collaborating with others, which adds further stress and frustration to their relationship. There were many moments when Meghan wished Harry had pursued ideas suggested by Spotify executives, including teaming up with a comedian for a lighthearted news podcast. But Harry’s disengagement makes it challenging to execute these ideas.”

“Moreover, Harry's idea of work is attending royal engagements. However, when you’re paid $100 million by Netflix, you must work full-time, long hours, and deliver tangible results. That’s a requirement they seem to overlook.”

“It certainly requires a tremendous amount of hard work. My channel demands hours of preparation, and I edit all my videos myself, which can take considerable time. Harry entered this Hollywood world with a certain naivety, relying on Meghan to secure these lucrative deals. As time passed, it became evident that he may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, leading to a disconnect.”

“I can't even fathom what a podcast with Harry would be like, especially discussing current events. It would likely be more comical than informative. Remember, he even expressed interest in interviewing Vladimir Putin! His ideas often seem far-fetched, but Meghan’s concepts aren’t much better. As an actress, she lacked experience as a creative, producer, journalist, or broadcaster.”

“Exactly. As far as we know, during her time on Suits, she didn’t engage in behind-the-scenes work, unlike true creatives who strive to learn more about directing and production. Megan seemed more interested in her wardrobe and her first-class flights than in honing her craft.”

“Beyond that, she doesn’t appear to have much creative drive, which is essential in any industry, especially in content creation. Both she and Harry seem unable to generate the compelling work required. While Meghan has some industry connections, she appears to control things so tightly that they struggle to deliver final products. Both of their documentaries, including Harry & Meghan and Heart of Invictus, were bloated and lacked focus. My reaction to Heart of Invictus garnered more views than the actual documentary, which speaks volumes about its failure.”

“I agree that the professional pressure is weighing heavily on their marriage. Interestingly, Max Pton, a doctor for the Daily Mail, shares a similar perspective. He examined a photo of Meghan in red on the red carpet that garnered significant attention, commenting on why it fills him with sadness and why he believes she should go solo.”

What’s particularly intriguing is that Max is approaching this from a medical standpoint, rather than as a royal observer. He noted how odd it felt to see them attending separate engagements, as they had been so accustomed to presenting themselves as a united front. He remarked that their hands appeared to be glued together in a grip that sometimes felt more like a desperate hold than a genuine display of affection.”This sentiment aligns with my observation that their previous public displays of affection may have been an act to portray a picture of love. However, when that façade slips, the reality becomes glaringly apparent.”

The couple faces immense financial pressure, as they have a substantial mortgage on their home and need to generate millions of dollars. It's hard to envision how they can achieve this. However, they may recognize that they still need each other for the time being.

Meghan appears to cling to her title, believing it helps monetize her brand. Yet, I would argue that reverting to being Meghan Markle might actually serve her better, allowing her to rebrand and move on. A significant rebranding is essential for her right now. 

For her latest venture, she needs **Aro** to succeed spectacularly. If any product falters or if she fails to secure patents for what she showcases on her show, it could spell disaster. With nearly seven months since her announcement and no tangible results, the pressure is mounting. Even if her loyal fan base supports her, I doubt many others will join in. She lacks the Martha Stewart appeal necessary to attract a broader audience, and without exceptional products, she risks being seen as inept.

Looking back on Harry and Meghan's time in Hollywood over the past four to five years, it's evident that most of their ventures have been poorly executed. I can't help but feel that **American Riv Orchard** will not fare any better, putting them in a precarious position. They desperately need this to become a profitable endeavor.

Meanwhile, troubling information has resurfaced regarding Meghan's treatment of staff. I first reported in 2018 that a falling out occurred between Catherine, the Princess of Wales, and Meghan due to her treatment of employees at Kensington Palace. Meghan has since claimed she is the “most bullied woman in the world,” which is incredibly ironic, considering there’s an ongoing investigation into her alleged bullying of Buckingham Palace staff, the results of which have never been released. 

Those staff members are bound by the **Official Secrets Act** in the UK, preventing them from speaking out. Recently, more accounts of Meghan's behavior have emerged. Hugo Vickers shared that the Queen once reprimanded Meghan for how she treated a junior gardener at Windsor Castle, who was reportedly treated appallingly. 

An anonymous source, known as Bookworm 2, has come forward with shocking claims about Meghan’s mistreatment of household staff in Montecito. Listen to this testimony: 

"I personally heard from two staff members who were among the first to work for them in Montecito. One of them, whom I’ll refer to as LJ, described instances of being pushed around by Meghan. Staff are not allowed to keep their cell phones on them, even if they have young children at home. They are instructed not to speak to Meghan unless she addresses them first or to look her in the eye unless spoken to. Additionally, they must refer to her as 'Duchess.' 

LJ mentioned that the nanny was treated even worse, particularly the one hired after their British nanny returned home. It's hard to say how many staff have left Harry and Meghan, but it’s likely quite a few since their move to Montecito. 

One temporary staff member had a rough experience with the couple, but thankfully, he was only a stand-in and could ask to be replaced the next day. For legal reasons, I can't share the full story, but it did not end well for him after he couldn't comply with a request from the Duke. 

These claims have prompted Nile Gardner from the **Heritage Foundation** to post on X, stating, “According to some of her former staff on both sides of the Atlantic, Meghan Markle is a horrendous bully and is in no position to lecture on this issue.”

 "I absolutely agree. I remember reading your report and others detailing Meghan's behavior behind the scenes. It's shocking because you rarely hear such things about royals throughout Europe. It’s unusual, but Meghan’s inflated ego seems to have led her to treat those around her poorly. 

We know of numerous high-profile departures from their team, but the real turnover among household staff could be double or triple that number. I suspect part of Meghan’s issue is her constant dissatisfaction, leading to battles over trivial matters. 

Tom Bower’s book mentioned a red thread on a blanket that wasn’t quite right—little details that most people would overlook. Meghan appears to fixate on such things, making her difficult to work with. This is something Hollywood has probably recognized as well; even lesser-known actors who are nice to work with often find more opportunities. 

People in the industry talk about who’s easy to collaborate with, and both Netflix and Spotify have expressed that Meghan and Harry are not easy to deal with. That could be why their Netflix deal likely won’t be renewed; they don't produce high-quality work."

Exactly. It's a classic case of the worst of both worlds.

Now, as King Charles begins his tour of Australia on Friday, many are calling it a farewell tour. This is an emotional occasion for him, especially given his ongoing cancer treatment. However, it’s disheartening to see the Australian Republican movement behaving so poorly. Several dignitaries are reportedly refusing to meet the King, even though he’s been incredibly reasonable about their desire for self-determination.

I find it cruel for the Australian Republican movement to disrupt a tour that should be dignified. Remember, King Charles is making this effort despite serious health challenges. Surely, he deserves some respect.

Britney: "Absolutely. King Charles has a genuine love for not just the UK, but for all Commonwealth nations, including Australia and New Zealand. This tour is a significant moment for him, and it’s disappointing to see people trying to undermine it.

If he engages positively with the people during this tour, it may even sway some undecided individuals back towards the monarchy. The monarchy has a connection to history and heritage, and I believe Charles and Camilla can strengthen that bond.

While countries are changing and Republican movements are emerging, it should be handled with dignity and grace. King Charles and Camilla deserve respect, especially as he dedicates time from his treatment to connect with the Australian people."

Britney, following Catherine, Princess of Wales's reappearance last week after her cancer treatment, where she visited the site of the Southport Massacre, some in the media have started referring to her as the “new people’s princess.” What do you think of that comparison?

Britney: "Catherine and Diana share many similarities, particularly their empathy, especially towards children, which people admire. However, I believe it's risky to tightly connect them. Catherine is her own person, deserving recognition for her own contributions. I think the title 'Children's Princess' fits her well; she embodies the spirit of the people.

However, we should remember that those who have experienced cancer treatment inspire empathy in many. Catherine's recent diagnosis surprised many, and people are thrilled to see her back, hoping to see her more often in upcoming engagements as we approach the holiday season."

Britney: "Thank you for having me. I’ll make sure to include the Royal News Network in our show notes—it's an excellent resource for royal fans worldwide, covering various monarchies. I'm looking forward to joining you again soon."

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