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Spiteful!' Meghan Markle's Attempt to Overshadow Kate Middleton's Southport Trip Exposed

Spiteful!' Meghan Markle's Attempt to Overshadow Kate Middleton's Southport Trip Exposed

It's absolutely spiteful, unkind, and unnecessary. There’s plenty of time for other things, but she always seems to want to steal the spotlight. That’s exactly what happened this time, with Prince Harry and Queen Camilla’s biographer Angela Levin joining me live. Angela, can you believe that Meghan Markle has told a group of young children that she is the most bullied woman in the world? This is the same Meghan Markle who was investigated for bullying at Buckingham Palace, and those findings were never released to the public. More recently, The Hollywood Reporter accused her of bullying staff. I’ve personally spoken to 12 former staff members who described her as a "dictator in high heels." Surely, Angela, this is a new low for Meghan?

"It’s very low and extremely unpleasant," Angela responds. "She was speaking to a group of young girls aged between four and 13. Can you imagine telling such young children something like that? They must have been terrified, confused, and unsure of how to react. It was an extraordinary thing to say, and it’s certainly not the way to get people to like you. She’s an adult and should know better. She was there as part of a digital wellness program funded by the Archewell Foundation, supposedly to help these children. Instead, she probably scared the daylights out of them. And then she added that it was worse for her when she was pregnant with her children. What are these young kids expected to say in response? They aren’t psychologists or doctors, just little people, and I can imagine many having nightmares after hearing something like that."

Angela continues, "It feels manipulative, almost like she’s trying to make people—who don’t know her—like her by playing the victim. It’s not the kind of thing you say to small children. Honestly, it makes me wonder what she does with her own children if this is how she speaks to other kids. If she wanted to talk about this, she could have spoken to someone in their 20s or 30s, but small children? Absolutely awful."

Once this backfired on Meghan, her usual cycle of lies began, Angela adds. This story was first revealed by Lissa May, founder of #HalfTheStory, who told Vanity Fair—an outlet notably loyal to Harry and Meghan—that Meghan had talked about being one of the most bullied people in the world. It was very clear; there was no ambiguity in May’s words. But, as soon as it backfired, Meghan's allies scrambled to tell the *New York Post* that she had been misquoted. "Just stand by your words instead of throwing your allies under the bus," Angela urges.

"It’s wrong for these magazines to follow someone who’s proven to be a liar," Angela continues. "Meghan should know the difference between being disliked and being bullied. I’m sure she’s disliked, but being bullied? That’s a very different thing. People don’t like her because of her constant lies and her treatment of the royal family, a family that gave her so much. It’s odd that she can’t seem to see the difference."

Angela recalls, "We all liked Meghan when she first joined the royal family, or at the very least, we were willing to give her a chance. I was thrilled for Harry’s sake. He had found someone he loved, someone I thought could cope with the spotlight. She was beautiful, and I hoped she would make Harry happy. But it didn’t take long to see that she was a very different person from what we initially thought."

Dan Wootton adds, "It’s like gaslighting the entire world when she claims to be the most bullied person. No one was bullying her until we found out how she treated staff members at Buckingham Palace, her controlling behavior toward Harry, and her rudeness to Princess Catherine and staff members, including a gardener at Windsor Castle so badly that the late Queen had to step in."

Angela remarks, "The lies she told during that Oprah Winfrey interview were shocking. I was up all night covering it, and I was astonished by the constant stream of falsehoods. How dare she say those things about the royal family and even drag the Archbishop of Canterbury into it! She had everything she could want, yet she behaved spitefully, demanding attention in such a negative way. It’s behavior you don’t forget."

The conversation continues about how Meghan, despite numerous bullying allegations, continues to play the victim. Angela calls this tactic "gaslighting." Meghan's constant claims of being the most bullied woman, despite bullying others, raise eyebrows. Angela notes, "It’s absurd to make that claim and wear it like a badge of honor. Does she think that's something to be proud of? Does she even know what bullying really means?"

Wootton presses further, "How does Meghan even know she’s bullied, given that she constantly claims she doesn’t look at social media or news about her? Her inconsistencies are all over the place."

Angela believes that Meghan's strange timing with public statements might also be deliberate attempts to overshadow others, particularly Catherine, Princess of Wales. "Meghan always seems to announce something just before or after a significant royal event, and people have noticed. It’s spiteful and unnecessary."

The article ends by contrasting the difference between Catherine's genuine care and Meghan's manipulative behavior. Catherine recently spent private time with families of victims without cameras around, while Meghan seemed to use children as props for good publicity. It’s a stark comparison between two women handling their public roles in entirely different ways.

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