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Why did Melania and Donald Trump only have one child?

Why did Melania and Donald Trump only have one child?

In a rare interview with Fox News Channel, Melania Trump opened up about her life as a couple and Donald Trump's desire to have a big family.

Donald Trump dreamed of a big family, Melania a little less. In the midst of promoting her memoir, to be released on October 8, the former First Lady gave a rare interview on the show Fox & Friends, broadcast Thursday, September 26 on Fox News Channel. She explained that she had always been "completely okay" with having one child, but that her husband "encouraged her to have more."

Donald Trump and Melania Knavs say they met at a fashion show in New York in 1998. The young model was 28 years old and the 52-year-old real estate mogul was immediately captivated by her beauty. He even says he "fell head over heels" for her from the first night. However, some rumors claim that the two individuals knew each other well before that evening and had an adulterous relationship during Donald Trump's second marriage (with Marla Marples).

The two lovers got married on January 22, 2005, in a church in Palm Beach, Florida, and from their union Barron Trump was born on March 20, 2006. He was Melania's first child and Donald Trump's fifth, who already had Eric, Tiffany, Donald Junior and Ivanka.

"It's just perfect"

"For me, having only one child is already synonymous with a very busy life," Melania Trump admitted during her interview. "I know how busy he is and I'm the one who takes care of everything [at home]. That's why having only one child is just perfect," added the one who has been entirely devoted to her son since his birth.

Melania Trump is, in fact, described by all her close friends as a "mother hen" or "mother wolf", who has been overprotective of young Barron since his early childhood. The former model spends much more time with her son than with her husband. In 2017, Melania Trump had also delayed her move to the White House by five months so that her son could finish his school year in New York.

Why did Melania and Donald Trump only have one child?

In her memoir, the former First Lady also shows a photo of Barron as a toddler, playing in her office while she works. "I think it's very important that we show our children that we work too, to set a good example for them," she commented, adding: "That they see us working, that they see that we are productive, that we have ideas, that ideas come to life."

The fear of the "empty nest"? And while sources close to the family say that Donald Trump’s re-election or not, Melania Trump is expected to stay in New York for the next few months to focus full-time on her son, who has just started his first academic year at the Stern School of Business, it seems that the young student is yearning for a little more freedom.

Melania Trump has insisted, however, that she absolutely does not feel the “empty nest syndrome.” “I do not feel that,” she assured. “I raised Barron as a whole person, allowing him to be himself and have his own boundaries. I respect that. It was his decision to come here, because he wants to be in New York, study in New York and live in his own home, and I respect that.”

“He is an incredible young man. I am very proud of his strength, his intelligence, his knowledge, his kindness. It is admirable.” I want him to enjoy his college years and I hope he has a great experience because his life is very different from any other 18 or 19-year-old," Melania Trump concluded.

Relative freedom

According to the "Daily Mail," Barron Trump chose to move into his parents' penthouse in Trump Tower, in part for security reasons. At the university, he is accompanied by a large number of bodyguards and security at the entrance to the Stern School of Business has been significantly increased. The 18-year-old did not participate in his integration week or any parties and his integration seems complicated by the protective bubble imposed on him.

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