Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, transitioned from royal duties to take on the title of Chief Impact Officer at BetterUp, a role that sounds suspiciously like a high-paid internship. In his new position, Harry advocates for mental fitness and guides the company’s social mission. If that description sounds vague, it’s because it is — and the kicker is, this gig reportedly pays him over £1 million a year for talking about "flow" and promoting an app that’s essentially life coach Tinder for millennials.
Harry joined BetterUp in 2021, fresh off his "me-time" moment, claiming the app helped him find his own mental health coach. While he’s busy raving about the app and appearing alongside former NBA players to discuss achieving flow, the company itself seems to be in a state of chaos. Both current and former BetterUp employees have taken to Glassdoor to share their grievances, painting a picture of dysfunction within the company. Descriptions range from “toxic train wreck” to “psychologically unsafe,” with one employee calling it a “literal circus” and another saying that “everyone is uncomfortable and living in fear.”
The leadership is described as an elitist club with no moral compass and a remarkable lack of self-awareness. Reports suggest that the management spends its time playing executive musical chairs, handing out VP titles like participation trophies, and derailing company projects based on whims. Even the app's target audience isn’t impressed. One executive swore off BetterUp entirely, citing concerns about confidentiality and privacy during coaching calls. Another employee referred to the sales team as “predatory.” It’s like a Netflix workplace drama, except it’s worse because it’s real.
The reviews get even spicier. One employee advised, "Keep your head down, do your work, and don’t get on someone’s bad side." HR, they said, is basically a puppet for leadership, so don’t bother raising complaints. Another review described the culture as cult-like, with toxicity and high burnout being the norm. Honestly, it sounds like the only "flow" happening at BetterUp is the kind that flushes careers down the drain.
Yet, amidst all this chaos, Prince Harry seems to be thriving — or so we’re told. The Duke has been jetting around to make appearances on behalf of BetterUp, discussing everything from mental fitness to flow. He’s even visited the company’s plush offices in California and Texas, which come complete with yoga studios, office dogs, and armchairs for unwinding. How much unwinding does one need when they’re being paid £1 million for… what exactly? Advocating for mental fitness, chatting with former basketball players, and slapping a royal seal of approval on an app?
Meanwhile, the employees who are actually doing the heavy lifting at BetterUp are stumbling. BetterUp’s mission, as explained by co-founder and CEO Alexi Robichaux, is to "improve human existence," which sounds noble. But employee reviews suggest that the company is more focused on improving executive paychecks and selling overpriced coaching memberships. Corporate access to the app costs a staggering £2,600 per person annually — a hefty price tag for what some employees describe as poor pay, sales pressure, and frequent layoffs.
Despite all of this, Harry remains the golden boy in BetterUp’s eyes. Robichaux has praised Harry’s "incredible attitude" and described him as a "model of inspiration" — though it’s unclear what kind of model he’s actually setting. Is it how to cash in while the rest of the company burns? It’s a tough sell when employees are drying up while Harry pockets a seven-figure salary for offering "inspirational vibes."
So, there you have it: BetterUp is a company where employees wither away while Prince Harry enjoys a luxurious pay package for his motivational speeches. If BetterUp truly wants to focus on mental fitness, maybe they should start by improving their own workplace culture. As for Harry, it might be time to rethink the whole Chief Impact Officer gig, because right now, the only thing he seems to be impacting is BetterUp’s bank account.