The renowned actor has undergone numerous cosmetic touch-ups that have caused excess volume and swelling in some areas of his face.
Cosmetic touch-ups are the order of the day. There are more and more fans of this type of technique to improve their face, body or increase hair density through grafts. And not only celebrities, as many anonymous people also declare themselves fans of aesthetic medicine and its treatments. However, you have to know when to stop and not fall into excess so as not to suffer from the already known ‘pillow face’ or pillow face.
The ‘pillow face’, also called Facial Overfilled Syndrome (FOS), is nothing other than the excess of fillers in our skin that will lead us to lose naturalness and expressiveness in our features. A clear example of this is Tom Cruise. The actor, who has experienced a striking change in his face over the years, has undergone countless cosmetic touch-ups, especially in the area of the cheekbones and lips. Excessive use of product has led to severe swelling and excess volume.
Doctor Oscar Junco, in statements collected by the portal 'Esquire', explains what are the most effective solutions to avoid this type of problem. "When the fat is replaced and sagging still persists, an alternative in very mild and specific cases may be the use of tension threads, but the main solution is a face lift to eliminate this excess skin, so in this case surgery will have to be performed," says this doctor specialized in plastic and aesthetic surgery. It should be remembered that the duration of the effect of the tension thread treatment is usually approximately one year.
Boom in China
The craze for aesthetic treatments is in full swing, especially in China where income from cosmetic surgery has shot up by 56%. According to the aforementioned news outlet, the minimum age for undergoing this type of retouching in the Asian country has dropped to 16 years old. Social media is one of the factors responsible for this boom, as it is taking beauty standards to unrealistic levels and making its users want to look like what they see on these types of platforms.