Meghan has reportedly delayed the premiere of her Netflix cooking show With Love, Megan from January 15th to March 4th, claiming it's out of respect for those affected by the recent wildfires. On the surface, it sounds thoughtful, right?
Let’s rewind to 2021, when Prince Philip was in the hospital undergoing heart surgery. Did Meghan and Harry show any consideration for that? Not a chance—especially during the Oprah bombshell interview. Now, suddenly, Meghan is all about being considerate?
What’s really raising eyebrows is that, while she’s playing the considerate card with the wildfires, Meghan and Harry were actually caught doing disaster tourism at the fire site—with TMZ cameras conveniently present. What a coincidence, right? It’s straight out of their old playbook.
And here’s the kicker: while Meghan and Harry are turning everything into a spectacle, the Kardashians are quietly making a real difference. Yep, you heard that right—I’m actually praising the Kardashians. They’ve been donating food to fire stations, all without alerting the press. When the Kardashians are showing more class and discretion than you, something is seriously off.
Now, let’s talk about Netflix for a moment. This move seems like pure damage control. Almost everything they’ve produced has had an initial buzz, only to fade. This cooking show is really their last chance to prove they’ve got something worthwhile. The Hollywood Reporter, hardly a bastion of anti-royal sentiment, has even called this Meghan's “last stand in the kitchen.”
What’s especially rich about all this is Meghan’s attempt to position herself as some kind of lifestyle guru. Seriously? And let’s not forget how this affects the work of our beloved Royals. While Prince William and Kate are out there doing real work and meeting real people, Meghan and Harry are staging photo ops and delaying vanity projects. The contrast couldn’t be more stark.
William and Catherine have never needed to announce their good deeds—everything they do speaks for itself. The timing of all this is interesting, especially with rumors that King Charles might be cutting the $35 million inheritance.
You know what would have actually been considerate? If Meghan had used her platform as a working royal to help people—if she stuck around long enough to actually help and learn from the Queen. That would have been amazing—a totally different story. But instead, what we’re seeing is a familiar pattern: everything is calculated for maximum publicity while trying to maintain a facade of being humanitarian and considerate. The mask keeps slipping, though.
The Netflix numbers don’t lie, folks. To all of you who’ve been seeing through the charade from day one, you were right. You saw through it long before many others did. Now, as her Netflix career seems to be circling the drain, it’s becoming pretty clear.