As Los Angeles battled devastating wildfires, Meghan Markle found herself at the center of yet another controversy. Last Friday, she and Prince Harry made a rare public appearance in Pasadena, visiting a convention center housing wildfire evacuees. On the surface, it seemed like a noble gesture: distributing provisions, offering hugs, and showing compassion. But as always, the devil is in the details.
While the couple’s actions were captured on camera, eagle-eyed observers noticed something that quickly turned their "rescue mission" into a PR circus. The supposed moment of heartfelt compassion? Meghan Markle hugging not an evacuee, but someone suspected to be her own staff member.
Internet sleuths wasted no time dissecting the footage. One sharp observer pointed out, “The woman Meghan hugged wasn’t an evacuee—she’s a member of their entourage. You can see her leaving with Meghan and Harry after the so-called rescue mission.”
Another user chimed in, highlighting the lanyard worn by the woman: “She was posing as a volunteer, but it’s obvious she’s staff. Meghan only hugged her when she noticed cameras were rolling. Convenient, isn’t it?”
To add fuel to the fire, a TMZ photographer was reportedly granted access to a restricted area, ensuring every “compassionate” moment was perfectly captured. As one commenter put it, “It wasn’t a hug for the victims. It was a hug for Instagram. Classic Meghan.”
Critics didn’t just stop at the hug. Questions arose about the timing and sincerity of the visit. Despite driving 90 miles to the convention center, Meghan and Harry reportedly spent just 17 minutes on-site. Seventeen.
Many speculated that the couple arrived hoping to integrate themselves into relief efforts, only to leave quickly when it became clear their presence wasn’t needed. “They came in for a photo op and left just as fast,” one commentator noted.
As expected, a camera crew was on hand to film the entire ordeal, further fueling accusations of performative compassion. “Nothing says genuine care like making sure every move is recorded,” quipped one critic. “If it doesn’t end up on TMZ, did it even happen?”
This isn’t the first time Meghan has faced backlash for perceived insincerity in her charitable endeavors. Whether it’s black trash bags for donations or cookware for teenagers, her actions often leave people questioning her motives.
This time, however, she may have hit a new low. Being caught on camera hugging her own staff for what appeared to be a publicity stunt has drawn sharp criticism. “When you think Meghan has hit rock bottom, she finds a way to dig deeper,” another observer remarked.
Meghan Markle’s every move seems to spark controversy, and this latest incident is no exception. Whether it’s her Netflix ventures or her public appearances, her actions often appear more choreographed than heartfelt. While some may argue that any act of charity is better than none, many remain skeptical of her motives.
At the end of the day, the real question remains: Was this visit about helping wildfire victims—or helping Meghan’s image?