And once again, we’ve got a stunning takedown, this time from Megyn Kelly, and it’s got everyone talking!
As someone who's been covering the royals for years, let me say there’s a clear difference between how working royals handle public service and what we're seeing from the other camp. While William and Catherine carry out their duties without fuss or fanfare, the Sussexes do the complete opposite. Let's break this down.
While LA was dealing with some emergency situations, guess who had to make an appearance? That’s right, the Sussex princess herself. And everyone—including Megyn Kelly—is absolutely furious about it. Now, I want to make something crystal clear: helping during a crisis is absolutely admirable. That’s not the issue. What’s got people upset is the way it was handled.
It’s been pointed out that this isn’t the UK, where titles actually mean something. Here, it’s just celebrities trying to stay relevant. What gets me is that the mayor tried to cover for them, claiming they were “all about the relief efforts” without the cameras. Looks like an inside job to me.
Let’s compare this to how the real working royals handle a crisis. Remember William and Catherine responding to the pandemic with quiet dignity, meaningful engagement, and no PR circus whatsoever? Now, contrast that with the Sussexes. Megyn Kelly really nailed it when she called them “disaster tourists.” It’s a perfect description. They aren’t there to help; they’re there to be seen helping.
While William and Catherine are working tirelessly to deal with real challenges, the Sussexes are turning a natural disaster into their latest PR stunt. You know what would’ve actually impressed me? If they had just shown up, helped out, and then forgotten about the cameras for once. But no, the sad part is, it’s so predictable. Every time there’s a crisis, you can bet the Sussexes will be there with cameras rolling.
I’ve got to give credit to Megyn Kelly for saying what so many of us have been thinking. She didn’t hold back, and that’s exactly what we need—people willing to call out this behavior for what it is. The American public isn’t buying what they’re selling, and you know what’s really interesting? The actual emergency responders and volunteers who were there, doing the real work—they’re the ones who deserve the spotlight, not these privileged individuals.
This whole situation reminds me of something my grandmother used to say: “Empty vessels make the most noise.” While William and Catherine quietly carry on with their duties and make real change in people’s lives, we’re stuck with this circus. And here’s the thing that really gets me: While all this was going on, Catherine was dealing with her health issues with grace and dignity—class and consideration for others. On the other hand, the Sussexes are busy with more publicity stunts.