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Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

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Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

 Approximately 17 million plastic surgeries are performed each year in the world, most of them are face lift and breast augmentation. Men also seek help from plastic surgeons. Plastic surgery is not a cheap "pleasure", so basically rich people in show business make plastic. Unfortunately, the end result is not always justified by expectation, and then there are victims of plastic surgery. We will tell you about the most famous of them.

Masha Malinovskaya's Failed Plastics

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

Now it is difficult to recognize a young Smolensk in a social society with a silicone bust and lips full of Botox, who in 2002 came to conquer Moscow. Masha Malinovskaya had several plastic surgeries and completely "redesigned" her appearance

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

After several failed plastic surgeries, the socialite's upper lip looked like a hare, but Masha was already afraid to correct it. Huge silicone bust looks unnatural against Malinovskaya's slim figure

Masha wanted to reduce the size of the breast, but as a result, one breast of a star became one size larger than the other. In desperation, Malinovskaya turned to a famous plastic surgeon for help, who corrected the mistakes of her colleagues. After that, Masha said that she would never do plastic surgery.

The appearance of Masha Rasputina's doll.

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

Fans were shocked when they saw Masha Rasputina's changed appearance after plastic surgery. The singer not only increased the already large breasts by various sizes, but also completely changed the facial features. Masha had new eyes, chin, nose, lips, and now the implants are inserted into the singer's cheekbones

Update Masha had to paste a new photo in the passport, because she became a completely different person. Fans had to get used to the new look of an idol.

The disfigured appearance of the Alentova faith.

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

Actress Vera Alentova could not accept the progressive old age and decided to perform a series of plastic operations, which resulted in a circular face lift, lip augmentation, eyelid and chin correction, as well as a change in the shape of the nose. The procedure was successful, but the new operation disfigured the appearance of the once beautiful actress

Plastic surgery was unsuccessful, surgeons explained overly stretched skin. It took a long time for Alentova's appearance to return to normal. Experts say the actress needs another operation to correct the above shortcomings, but Alentova is not yet ready to take such a risky step.

"Rubber" face Lyudmila Gurchenko

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

Lyudmila Markovna perceived old age with a lot of pain, so no one was surprised that the actress became a regular customer of plastic surgery clinics. Expect Gurchenko to restore beauty had the opposite effect, and in the last years of the star's life, her face turned into a rubber mask

Repeated surgical procedures affected the elasticity of the skin, therefore, Gurchenko's facial features swelled, and the roughness of the skin appeared. Lyudmila Markovna could not even close her eyes completely after the brakes, so her eyesight deteriorated considerably, the star's heart suffered a lot from multiple anesthesia.

The stunning lips of Michaela Romanini

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

Michaela Romanini was known as an Italian beauty and socialite. Her beauty was admired not only at home, but throughout Europe. But it seemed to Michaela that her lips were too narrow, and Romanini, 30, decided to enlarge them a bit. A plastic surgery was not enough for a socialite. In subsequent surgeries, the "beauty" lip contour floated, and the skin and facial muscles lost their elasticity

Attempts to restore ancient beauty with Botox injections were in vain, and Michaela replenished the ranks of plastic surgery victims. Despite everything, Romani considers herself attractive, although for many, her appearance is terrifying.

Sylvester Stallone wry smile

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

The famous Sly decided on plastic surgery to continue his acting career. But the failed operation, which was performed on him in 2006, completely changed the face of the actor. Sylvester wanted to fix everything and get his old look back, but the doctors said there was no going back.

Sylvester Stallone underwent too many plastic surgeries, and the skin on his face after regular procedures cannot fully recover and is severely swollen. During one of the operations, the star's facial nerves were damaged, causing Clay's smile to curve.

Michael Jackson - a black man with a European face

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

The idol of millions of music lovers around the world, Michael Jackson, all his adult life, dreamed of a European appearance and white skin. Jackson claimed that he had a rare disease, vitiligo, from which his skin lights up. In fact, it became "white" with the help of plastic

Jackson dreamed of getting rid of the black nose, which is why this organ is the one that suffers the most from plastics. After multiple operations, the singer's nose began to "fall out", and at one point Michael Jackson even used a bandage on his face to hide his nose, or rather, his absence.

Unrecognizable Mickey Rourke

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

Hollywood actor Mickey Rourke couldn't even imagine that wanting to remove the boxing fight scars from his face would completely change his life and appearance.In 2008, Mickey trusted a non-professional plastic surgeon who disfigured his face

Each of the following plastics to restore the previous appearance ended in failure, and now Mickey is very difficult to identify, and the face of the star terrifies fans.

The terrible face of donatella versace.

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

After Donatella Versace ran the "Versace" fashion house, the woman decided to slightly adjust her lips and nose and increase the size of her bust. There were no problems with the bust, but Donatella's face took on terrible repulsive features

Versace thought that later plastics would restore its beauty, but the effect was the opposite. It was not possible to correct the earlier mistakes of the surgeons, so Donatella will have to content herself with a repulsive appearance until the end of her days.

The "lioness" socialite Joslin Wildenstein

Beautiful fear, or 10 victims of plastic surgery

Joslyn Wildenstein decided to undergo plastic surgery to support her billionaire husband Alec Wildenstein, who was a fan of lion hunting. Joslin thought that if she looked like a lioness, her husband would stay with her until the end of his life. But the woman miscalculated. Seeing the "feline" appearance of once beautiful wife, the billionaire fled from her to the young Russian model Lyuba Stupakova

Following the dissolution of the marriage in 1999, Joslin received compensation from her husband in the amount of $ 2.5 billion, as well as an annual pension of $ 100 million. These large sums allowed Joslin to continue experimenting with her appearance, and now Wildenstein is at the top of the ranking of the most terrible victims of plastic surgery.

Dysmorphophobia, that is, a persistent aversion to one's own body, is a relatively rare mental disorder. As you can see, Hollywood stars suffer. Editorial Odkurzacze.info invites you to learn about other mental illnesses suffered by foreign celebrities

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