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"Meghan, how are you?": And the Duchess began to cry in front of the cameras

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"Meghan, how are you?": And the Duchess began to cry in front of the cameras

"Meghan, how are you?": And the Duchess began to cry in front of the cameras

 In front of journalist Tom Bradby, host of the 'News at Ten' program of 'ITV News', the Duchess answered several questions, an audiovisual fragment that has now seen the light

That Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are on the surface and especially sensitive to the pressure they feel at the media level, it was clear when Prince Charles's son made public the much-talked about statement with which he announced that he would take legal measures against a British medium to stop all intrusions to the privacy of his wife and family.

A few days ago, Harry burst into tears with excitement when talking about Meghan and her son Archie during a speech.

"Meghan, how are you?": And the Duchess began to cry in front of the cameras

Well, now it has been the Duchess of Sussex who has publicly shown that, indeed, she has not had a good time with all the criticism received. Meghan recorded an interview during her Africa tour, in front of a television camera. In front of the journalist Tom Bradby, the host of the News at Ten program of the ITV News network, the Duchess answered several questions, an audiovisual fragment that has now seen the light.

Tom Bradby asked Meghan Markle how she was after Harry's protective reaction, worried that his wife would be affected in the same way that his mother, Lady Di, was affected by unfair media pressure: "" Look, any woman , especially when she is pregnant, she is vulnerable, "she commented, visibly moved.

But the most significant part of her answer came later: "Thanks for asking, because not many people have asked me if I'm okay. Things also happen that you don't always see."

The journalist detected that Meghan was getting emotional to the point of reaching the point of tears. "To be fair, the question would not be if you are okay, but if this is not a real effort," he said then.

Meghan Markle, did not hesitate in the answer, direct and forceful. "Yes," she spoke loud, clear, and emphatically.

"Meghan, how are you?": And the Duchess began to cry in front of the cameras

Harry's statement in this regard made it clear that the Sussexes have reached the limit of their patience: "I lost my mother and now I see my wife a victim of the same powerful forces. I have seen what happens when a being loved becomes merchandise to the point that it is no longer treated as a real being ", it could be read.

"Unfortunately, my wife has become one of the victims of a British tabloid press campaigning against people without thinking about the consequences - a ruthless campaign that has escalated over the past year, throughout her pregnancy and while raising our newborn child ". "Although we have continued to put on a good face, as many of you can imagine it is difficult to describe how painful it has been. Because in the current digital age the inventions of the press are taken as truth all over the world," he added.

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