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Kim Kardashian reveals her new weight: 'I'm really proud'

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 Kim Kardashian reveals her new weight: 'I'm really proud'

Kim Kardashian reveals her new weight: 'I'm really proud'

The 'socialite' explains how she has managed to lose more than 10 kilos until reaching the body with which she feels good

Kim Kardashian reveals her new weight: 'I'm really proud'

Choosing latex dresses in fluorescent tones and posing in a bikini (or underwear) day in and day out also requires a first condition: being very proud of your body. This is how Kim Kardashian feels, according to what she has told the same week in which she has worn what are possibly her most striking and explosive looks. In an interview for the E! News portal, the Californian star revealed that he has lost more than 10 kilos thanks to the training plan - with a bodybuilding expert - and a healthy diet that he has followed since last September. With this new lifestyle, Kim Kardashian has managed to lose the 63 kilos that she used to weigh to her current 52, and although the road has been arduous, as she has documented through her stories on Instagram, she feels good and proud of the result.

Kim Kardashian reveals her new weight: 'I'm really proud'

"I've always been at almost 140 pounds and now I'm at about 116 pounds, and I just feel good. I didn't see the results immediately, but when you commit and you're consistent, finally You see them. So I love it, "explained Kim Kardashian in the aforementioned interview. Taking into account her height, 1.59 meters, her current weight is normal and healthy, so it is understandable that she feels good with her new figure, both in terms of health and energy and image.

Kim Kardashian reveals her new weight: 'I'm really proud'

Choosing latex dresses in fluorescent tones and posing in a bikini (or underwear) day in and day out also requires a first condition: being very proud of your body. This is how Kim Kardashian feels, according to what she has told the same week in which she has worn what are possibly her most striking and explosive looks. In an interview for the E! News portal, the Californian star revealed that he has lost more than 10 kilos thanks to the training plan - with a bodybuilding expert - and a healthy diet that he has followed since last September. With this new lifestyle, Kim Kardashian has managed to lose the 63 kilos that she used to weigh to her current 52, and although the road has been arduous, as she has documented through her stories on Instagram, she feels good and proud of the result.

Kim Kardashian reveals her new weight: 'I'm really proud'

"I've always been at almost 140 pounds and now I'm at about 116 pounds, and I just feel good. I didn't see the results immediately, but when you commit and you're consistent, finally You see them. So I love it, "explained Kim Kardashian in the aforementioned interview. Taking into account her height, 1.59 meters, her current weight is normal and healthy, so it is understandable that she feels good with her new figure, both in terms of health and energy and image.

Kim Kardashian reveals her new weight: 'I'm really proud'

In the same interview, Kim Kardashian gave some details about the new lifestyle that has accompanied - and caused - that weight loss. For example, she said that she no longer consumes "sugar as she did before" and that she is now more aware of what she eats. "I've been training to eat healthier than before. I used to eat anything and everything, and I adored it. And now I control it, I don't want to ruin everything just by filling my mouth," she said. These words demonstrate a commitment that she has also extended to her training plan, an intense routine customized for her by bodybuilding expert Melissa Alcantara.

Kim Kardashian reveals her new weight: 'I'm really proud'

Since last September, almost a year ago, Kim has been training for an hour and a half a day with Alcantara, who in a previous interview with the People portal said that the socialite's routine was aimed at gaining muscle. "Kim told me, 'I love my body, I love the way it is and I love my hips.' She just wanted more muscle, bigger hamstrings to accentuate the whole leg, and strong arms and abs," he explained. That is why, as Kim Kardashian herself has revealed, her sessions are mainly with weights and she does not do much cardiovascular exercise.

Kim Kardashian reveals her new weight: 'I'm really proud'

Kim Kardashian reveals her new weight: 'I'm really proud'

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