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Superfans: The stars that celebrities admire

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Superfans: The stars that celebrities admire

Superfans: The stars that celebrities admire

 Brad, Meryl, George, Adele… they are adored by the whole world, but they are also fans of other celebrities

It is almost certain that since the days of the cavemen, he who danced and growled a wild tune around the bonfire had his fans. And it is that admiring beauty, skill or talent seems to be engraved in our DNA. That is why the superstars of song, film and television who usually combine these three gifts (or are at least capable of pretending them very well), arouse not only admiration, but in many cases even fanaticism.

The funny thing is that in this age when even the neighbor and his dog are able to achieve popularity thanks to the invasion of so-called reality shows, we do not suffer from a kind of "fame fatigue", quite the opposite. We can't get enough of celebrities! In fact, we even look for more excuses, no matter how crazy, to admire them. For example? Daniel Radcliffe's three-fold tongue-folding trick made headlines, despite being unpleasant to look at. And Jessica Alba's unique "talent" for bending her thumb back made headlines in an American magazine.

All this is to say that admiration is such a human characteristic that even famous people are fans of other stars. As in the case of Lea Thompson, an actress who was known in the 1980s. When the protagonist of the film Howard the Duck, one of the biggest box office flops in the history of modern cinema, approached Brad Pitt to Asking for his autograph, the Moneyball star widened his eyes the size of two plates, a smile appeared on his face and he began to stutter.

"My God, you're her!" Pitt exclaimed, according to an interview Thompson gave shortly before the Oscars in February. «You have inspired me! When I saw you in the movie Some Kind of Wonderful I decided I wanted to be an actor, "Pitt confessed. And Thompson walked away not just with an autograph, but with the satisfaction of knowing that one of the hottest superstars of the moment is her number one fan. But for the record, Pitt is not the only one who loses his speech, trembles or passes out when he comes face to face with one of his idols.


British singer Adele is one of the most awarded in recent years. In fact, she just won six Grammy Awards for her 21st album. This tied her with Beyoncé, who until then held the female record for the most Grammy Awards won in a single night. However, even though they are on the same artistic level, Adele is not only a fan of Beyoncé, but the day when she finally met her, she burst into tears and had to walk away from her idol. The artist later confessed that she began to shake and almost fainted. - I've always admired her. It was a shock meeting her, ”he said. Beyoncé, for her part, put it to heaven. Literally. "When you sing, I seem to hear the voice of God," he told her. The girls have undoubtedly formed a mutual admiration club.

Another who is reduced to its minimum expression in front of her idol is Mel B, the former Spice Girl, who says she loses her speech to Madonna. "I admire her so much that I paralyze when I am in her presence," admits the artist. “Madonna once called me to invite me to dinner and I thought it was a joke from my friends. But I was so nervous that I became speechless.

Bérénice Bejo was also speechless, like her character in the silent film The Artist, when, at a Hollywood event, her idol Meryl Streep came to greet her. ? I couldn't believe Meryl knew me! And, above all, that he pronounced my name correctly ?, said the actress who was born in Argentina and grew up in France. Her co-star in this film, Jean Dujardin, was thrilled when she met George Clooney. And on the night of the Oscar awards, she had the satisfaction of beating her idol in the Best Actor category.

Superfans: The stars that celebrities admire


Sometimes admiration crosses generations and turns like a set of musical chairs. Susan Sarandon, for example, confesses a superfan of the late American actress Bette Davis, who reached the height of her fame in the 1930s. In turn, Davis, who died in 1989, called herself a Debra Winger fan. But Winger confessed that her idol was not Davis, but Katharine Hepburn, another actress from Hollywood's golden age, who passed away in 2003. Who did Katharine Hepburn admire? No to the universally idolized Meryl Streep, whom she dismissed as "a very cerebral actress," she said. Hepburn's favorite actor was the late Christopher Reeve, with whom he acted in the theater, in the play A Matter of Gravity.

George Clooney, for his part, admits that he was very moved when he shook hands with legendary Swedish actor Max von Sydow, while another legend, but of singing, revealed that he is Clooney's number one fan. He is the octogenarian Tony Bennett, one of Lady Gaga's musical idols, with whom he recorded the song The Lady is a Tramp.

Tom Cruise's idol is the late Paul Newman, with whom he starred in the film The Color of Money. "I was so nervous that I said 'Mr. Newman' until he said, 'Call me Paul,'" says Tom, who is Zac Efron's favorite artist.

Superfans: The stars that celebrities admire

Bradley Cooper had a similar experience to Tom's when he starred opposite Robert De Niro, his idol since adolescence, in Limitless. De Niro admired Marlon Brando, who was a fan of Johnny Depp, with whom he starred in Don Juan DeMarco. And so the circle of admiration was closed, because Johnny's favorite actor is the immortal Brando.

On the other hand, sometimes admiration haunts danger, as in the case of Rihanna, who admits to being a fan of singer Chris Brown. This would have nothing particular if it were not because Brown was sentenced for committing an act of domestic violence against Rihanna three years ago. Today, the singer seems to have forgotten about the terrible incident and has not only recorded Birthday Cake with Brown, but says she admires the way he handled the situation of his arrest.

Fortunately, extreme cases like this are the exception. For the most part, the stars forget their fame and simply enjoy their idols like a few more fans.

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