Dear haters: even though it may weigh you down, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are closer than ever
They are being difficult times for the ex 'royal' couple but, be careful, they are happy!
These are difficult times for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, settled in Los Angeles at an extremely turbulent time for the planet and for their family and new country of residence. Thus, while they expected to enjoy their new life as non-royals, they are confined by the global pandamia and, at the same time, they are living closely with the anti-racist protests. In addition, they are peppered with rumors (never confined) about the wake of desolation that their march in London would have left. How could all this affect your relationship as a couple and family? Well, according to sources close to the Sussexes and ET Online, they would be more united than ever. In the face of adversity, a common front.
"Although it may seem ironic, one of the saddest things Meghan made living in the UK was that she felt isolated and missed her friends," reveals this source. And, yes, now that she is back in California she is isolated and not seeing her friends but, despite everything, she is happy. They have been turbulent times for the marriage, with bittersweet moments, but what they bring out from these experiences that they are having to live is that their relationship is stronger than ever.
In reality, they are 'relieved' to have no commitments or occupations beyond being together as a family and waiting for everything to return to (new) normality. And, although they are not having all the tranquility that they initially expected because they continue to attract the attention of the press, this source assures that they do have more control over their privacy and their activities while in Los Angeles.
So dear haters who think you've made a big mistake by leaving London and changing your life, you can continue to be angry that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are SO HAPPY.
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