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Is there something Meghan Markle said that left you speechless?

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 Is there something Meghan Markle said that left you speechless?

Is there something Meghan Markle said that left you speechless?

Meghan Markle, the wife of Prince Harry of England, revealed that her friends advised her not to marry the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II to avoid pressure from the press.

Markle, who holds the title of Duchess of Sussex, confessed in a report issued this Sunday by the British network ITV that her close circle told her that she should not do it because the media were going to "destroy" her life.

She added that adjusting to real life has been "very hard" and that she was not prepared for the scrutiny of the British media.

"When I met who is now my husband, my friends were happy because I was happy. But my British friends warned me not to marry him because the newspapers were going to destroy my life," she said.

"I never thought this would be easy, but I did think it would be fair and that's the part that is really difficult to understand. When people say things that are false, and they are stressed that they are not true but they are still allowed to say them. .. it is very hard, "he added.

For her part, when asked about an alleged disagreement with her brother William, Prince Harry said that both were going "on different paths."

The Duchess of Sussex also noted that it was difficult to become a mother under media scrutiny.

"I have been totally honest with H - as I call him - that it is not enough to just survive. That is not the goal of living. You have to prosper and be happy," she added.

Is there something Meghan Markle said that left you speechless?

The duchess also referred to the difficulty of combining a life under the spotlight with the challenges of being "a new mother or a newlywed."

"Not many people have asked me if I'm okay. But my fight is a very real thing that happens behind the scenes."

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were interviewed by ITV journalist Tom Bradby during his trip to South Africa last September.

Asked how she's coping, Meghan Markle said: "Look, any woman - especially when she's pregnant - is really vulnerable, so it was a challenge and then when you have a newborn ... you know ... Especially as a woman, it's a lot. "

When asked if it is fair to say that it was "a fight", the Duchess answered emphatically "yes".

Is there something Meghan Markle said that left you speechless?

It is the message of a very unhappy story

Prince Harry has learned to be a diplomat. But his words about his brother confirm that they are no longer as close as before. And that of course there will always be love. But things have changed.

For his part, the Duchess is an excellent communicator and his message was controlled, well thought out and perfectly expressed. "I never thought it would be easy, but I did think it would be fair," he said.

The British have always taken pride in being righteous people and that is why she used that word, to make her message resonate.

"Was it a fight?" Pressed ITV journalist Tom Bradby. "Yes," the duchess replied. Prince Harry admitted that he continues to struggle with his mental health. The pair are feeling and talking about the pressure and it has been said that Harry now sees his mother's shadow in every camera, in every headline. This is a very unhappy story.

And this is strange. Because at the same time they are very well loved and, with the energy of Harry and the personal history of Meghan, they continue to touch on topics that the other members of the royalty do not address.

But now their discontent is evident.

Painful memories

In the documentary she also speaks to Prince Harry, who said that the memories of the 1997 death of her mother, Diana of Wales, are like a "festering wound."

On the trip, Harry visited an antipersonnel mine control project in Angola supported in the past by Princess Diana and said it was "emotional" to repeat in his mother's footsteps.

"I think being part of this family, in this role, in this job, every time I see a camera, every time I hear a click, every time I see a flash ... it brings me back to it; in that aspect. It is the worst memory of her life, and not one of the best moments. "

"Now I have a family to protect," he said.

Is there something Meghan Markle said that left you speechless?

And of course he spoke of the relationship with his brother, Prince William, who has also been under the scrutiny of the media. And he confirmed that both were traveling "different paths."

"We are brothers. We will always be, but like in every relationship there are good days and bad days," he said.

"Certainly we are traveling on different paths, but I will always be there for him and I know that he will always be there for me," said the least of the princes.

It was at the end of this trip that both Harry and Meghan filed lawsuits against the press.

Meghan sued the Mail on Sunday for publishing one of the letters her father sent her.

Harry filed his lawsuit in High Court against the owners of The Sun, the now-defunct News of the World and the Daily Mirror in connection with an alleged phone hacking.

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