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Why did Meghan Markle stand behind Kate Middleton at her first royal event?

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 Why did Meghan Markle stand behind Kate Middleton at her first royal event?

Why did Meghan Markle stand behind Kate Middleton at her first royal event?

The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, attended the Trouping the Color ceremony, which honors Queen Elizabeth II's birthday and, among other things, debuted on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. But one detail caught her eye: Why did she stand behind Kate Middleton and not next to her?

Soon, Markle will be married for a month to Prince Harry and has already attended her first royal event. But it turns out that, in her first appearance on the mythical balcony, the Duchess of Cambridge had to be behind at all times. This has to do with a question of hierarchies.

Why did Meghan Markle stand behind Kate Middleton at her first royal event?

British Royalty is still very old in some ways, so Prince William, being the older brother and future king, must always stand in front of his brother and wife on the balcony.

As royal expert Joe Little told People magazine, Markle did not do so badly because, although she was behind Kate, "she still had a place in the center and was not relegated to one of the corners of the balcony."

Why did Meghan Markle stand behind Kate Middleton at her first royal event?

The military parade known as "Trooping the Color" was introduced in 1748 to celebrate the royal birthday and which takes place on the second Saturday in June, due to the warm weather at this time of year.

Why did Meghan Markle stand behind Kate Middleton at her first royal event?

More than 200 horses, 400 musicians and some 1,400 soldiers participated in the military parade, which this time was held under bright sunshine and in the presence of thousands of people and the press from around the world.

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