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Is Tom Cruise a shrimp? Heard it was too low?

 Is Tom Cruise a shrimp? Heard it was too low?

Is Tom Cruise a shrimp? Heard it was too low?

Who would have imagined that after 30 years of filmmaking he would find excuses like this to be rejected?

Nobody would think that someone like Tom Cruise would have trouble finding movie roles. What director would not want to have someone in his film whose name on the poster ensures that millions of people go to the box office to pay a ticket?

Well, as impossible as it may seem, there is. For example, writer Lee Child, author of the series of action novels starring Jack Reacher and who, after having seen how Cruise defended the character in two films, assures that in future installments of the saga he will not be in charge of giving life to this action hero. And for reasons that tell us something, the actor will not like anything: his short stature.

"Tom Cruise is very talented, but physically he does not fit the description of the character that I do in the novel," said the writer in an interview with the BBC in which he revealed that from now on the adventures of this retired military man will be told in a television series.

“I really enjoyed working with Tom. He's a very nice guy and we laughed a lot with him on the set, ”explained Child, who collaborated with Cruise on the two films that have been shot on his books to date: Jack Reacher, released in 2012; and Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, released in 2016. "But in the end the readers are right, but Reacher is supposed to be enormously tall and that is important to understand the character," he said.

That Cruise is not exactly tall has never been a secret: he measures 1.70 meters. Almost 12 inches shorter than the books Reacher measures. But what he does not cover with his height, he more than covers with his daring and dedication in the filming.

In fact, Tom is famous for doing all the action scenes in his movies himself, no matter how risky. Even in the last installment of Mission Impossible, which he shot when he was 55 years old, he prohibited the use of doubles to give the film realism.

In addition, in the cinema, many tricks are used so that the shorter actors are at the same level as the rest of the cast: from putting raised catwalks to wearing raised shoes, something that rumors said that Cruise also used in real life when he was married with Nicole Kidman.

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