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Michael Jackson's secret girlfriend comes to his defense: "He had experience, he loved women"

Michael Jackson's secret girlfriend comes to his defense: "He had experience, he loved women"

Michael Jackson's secret girlfriend comes to his defense: "He had experience, he loved women"

 10 years have passed since the death of Michael Jackson but his figure is more alive than ever thanks to the broadcast of a new documentary called Leaving Neverland that recounts the sexual abuse of the American singer according to the testimonies of Wade Robson and James Safechuck. Both claim that the author of Thriller abused them when they were children. Information that many fans of the King of Pop refuse to believe. The last to join this campaign of support has been Shana Mangatal, who in addition to being the artist's manager, maintained a relationship with him in the 90s.

Michael Jackson's secret girlfriend comes to his defense: "He had experience, he loved women"

Shana, 48, has stated in The Sun that these accusations led to Michael's early death: "These accusations of sexual abuse are what killed him. Jordy Chandler's first ones were the beginning, he was not the same after them." . She also insisted that she was not sexually attracted to children because she "loved women." A statement that comes three years after the publication of her book The Untold Story of Michael Jackson's Secret Romance. In it, Shana not only went into detail about her intimate relationship with the artist, but also showed Jackson's closeness to Madonna or Naomi Campbell.

Michael Jackson's secret girlfriend comes to his defense: "He had experience, he loved women"

Statements that follow the publication this Wednesday exclusively in the Sun newspaper of the historical court documents that indicate that the singer "developed and operated what is probably the most sophisticated public organization for the acquisition and facilitation of child sexual abuse that the world has known. " But Shana completely refutes all the accusations and insists that Jackson was not a pedophile and that the traumatic experiences that young people say they lived with the artist do not enter her head: "I think it is horrible, these two boys who accuse her of these things in the documentary were two of her best friends, whom she really cared for. "

Michael Jackson's secret girlfriend comes to his defense: "He had experience, he loved women"

The former representative of the artist has commented, on several occasions, that he began to have contact with Michael Jackson when he was 20 years old. She worked as a receptionist in her manager's office and it was there that they began to "develop a connection" although it was not until the singer's divorce from Lisa Marie Presley that their love story began. "Definitely Michael had experience, you could say that he had done this before. And you could say that he loved women," says Shana about her first sexual relationships with Jackson.

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