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Marche prisoner: celebrities who spent time behind bars

Marche prisoner: celebrities who spent time behind bars

Marche prisoner: celebrities who spent time behind bars

 Accustomed to recognition, some artists had problems with the law and faced the consequences

The Ray Donovan series featured a "problem solver." Its protagonist was a man who was in charge of fixing the disasters and crimes of powerful people in Hollywood. Donovan was a fictional character, but more than one celebrity would have gladly paid for his services to avoid spending a little time behind bars.

Al Pacino, armed without justification

Marche prisoner: celebrities who spent time behind bars

Although he does not usually talk about the episode and for a long time he kept it hidden, the protagonist of Scarface had a run-in with the law. In 1961 he was arrested by the police in Rhode Island for having a .38 caliber pistol hidden in his car, also in the trunk a balaclava and gloves were found so the police suspected he was going to commit a robbery. As he had no money to pay bail, he spent three days in prison but was never convicted.

Trouble with the law had come close several times. Raised in the Bronx, at age 11 he smoked marijuana and at 15, his best friend stole a truck, hijacked a bus and died of an overdose.

Matthew McConaughey, call my mom

Marche prisoner: celebrities who spent time behind bars

She is one of the most popular actors in the world of cinema thanks to films like The Wolf of Wall Street and How to Lose a Man in Ten Days, her awards and her indisputable appeal. Married to Brazilian model Camila Alves, he had romances with Patricia Arquette, Penelope Cruz, Ashley Judd and Sandra Bullock.

But before this quiet present he had a little problem with the law. His arrest seems more ridiculous than criminal. In 1999, the Austin, Texas police received calls from different neighbors about disturbing noises coming from a house. The officers arrived with their patrol cars and found McConaughey drugged, totally naked and playing the bongo. After a couple of hours behind bars, he was released.

Like in the movies, they allowed him to make a call. The actor did not communicate with his lawyer but with his mother. “I felt guilty because I was not raised to be in jail,” he explained when asked about the episode and added humorously, “What's wrong with playing the bongo naked? The episode left him a lesson that he shared with his followers: "Close the window that has the beautiful aroma of jasmine because it is two in the morning and you could wake up a neighbor."

Haley Joel Osment, I see I'm in trouble

Marche prisoner: celebrities who spent time behind bars

The fearful Cole Sear, who immortalized the phrase "I see dead people" in the Sixth Sense, at age 18 was arrested for driving drunk and carrying marijuana. On July 20, 2006, he was driving his car at night when he lost control, collided with a mailbox and rolled over. Although no people were injured, the actor broke a rib. The police arrived and his angel face or fame was worth nothing, he had a breathalyzer test and tested positive.

The actor was facing the possibility of spending six months in prison but the court sentenced him to 60 hours of therapy, participate for six months in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and pay a fine of $ 15,000. In short and as the grandmothers would say, he got it cheap.

Boy George, there is no evil that for good does not come

Marche prisoner: celebrities who spent time behind bars

In 1984, dozens of people were humming “karma, karma chameleon” to the catchy chorus from Culture club. The British group had broken in strong based on talent and also its charismatic leader, Boy George. With his plucked eyebrows, his heavy makeup and an androgynous look, the British singer broke many schemes and stereotypes of the time.

With the new century his problems with the law began. In 2005 he was arrested in New York for possession of cocaine, but he claimed it was from a friend. The judge did not believe him and was sentenced to clean the streets of New York for obstructing Justice. He also had to pay a $ 1,000 fine and attend a drug rehab program.

That episode could fall into the category of "problems that happen to a large number of celebrities", but in 2008 the crime was more serious. Norwegian model and prostitute Auden Carlsen went to Boy George's house for a photo shoot, but ended up chained to a wall, beaten by the singer and threatened with a sex object. Carlsen managed to flee the house and in his underwear arrived at a sectional where he made the complaint. George was arrested.

Although the lawyers argued that the British acted under the influence of drugs, he was sentenced to 15 months in prison. He turned four and left for good behavior. However, the experience was not bad. “Jail was a gift. The first days are hard because everyone asks you what you have done to be there, but later I got used to being with myself, and that was the best gift of life ”. For Boy never better said "there is no harm that does not come".

Heather Locklear, out of control girl

Marche prisoner: celebrities who spent time behind bars

The pretty blonde from Melrose Place had her first arrest in 2008 on the charge of "reckless driving." They found her in a parking lot with her black German car backing up over and over again trying to smash some sunglasses. She was arrested and found to be under the influence of prescription medication. She was released on bail.

Two years later she hit a road sign and was stopped again. But since no charges were filed, she was released.

In 2011 she argued with her boyfriend, Jack Wagner. There were physical attacks and the police intervened, but in the absence of complaints, no one ended up in prison.

In January 2018, Heather was out of control again. Her brother called the police to report that there were problems in the house. The officers arrived and Heather threatened them with a gun. She was detained and a judge determined the removal of the possession of weapons and ordered her for the sixth admission to rehabilitation treatment. In June she called her parents saying she was going to commit suicide. They went to help her but the actress tried to suffocate her mother and beat her father. Handcuffed they took her to a psychiatric center.

Upon discharge, neighbors reported disturbances in their home. An officer arrived and tried to talk. He received a pineapple for an answer. A paramedic who tried to restrain her earned a kick. Locklear was arrested and after posting a bail of twenty thousand dollars she was released. Just in case, neighbors have the phone handy to call 911.

Susan Sarandon, inside for a good cause

Marche prisoner: celebrities who spent time behind bars

Although she only spent a few hours deprived of her freedom, the news spread quickly. Two years ago, the protagonist of Thelma and Louise was arrested with 574 other women protesting in Washington against President Trump's immigration policy. The protest was quiet until they entered the Senate offices and the police intervened, taking the protesters away.

On her twitter the artist defended the protest: "Arrested. Stay strong. Keep fighting. Women Disobey," she wrote.

Mark Wahlberg, better not remember certain things

Marche prisoner: celebrities who spent time behind bars

The protagonist of Ted is not only one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood but also a person far from scandals. But in his adolescence few bet on his future.

In 1988, when he was only 16 years old, he tried to steal two cases of alcohol from a man who was outside a premises. He hit his victim on the head with a stick and then ran to escape the police. He took refuge in another place and the merchant helped him hide. Seeing that he was out of danger he punched his benefactor and fled with a pack of beers. A patrol managed to reach him, when they stopped him, they discovered that he also kept a small amount of marijuana.

Wahlberg was sentenced to two years in prison for attempted murder. He remained in prison for 45 days and decided to change his life. “Going through jail was a real wake-up call. Throughout my life I have met and frequented undesirable characters. I made many mistakes and thank God I have been able to learn a lesson from all of them. Now all that is in the past ”.

In 2014, an already established Wahlberg asked the Justice to expunge his criminal record because he wanted to sign up as a "reserve agent" of the Los Angeles police. For some it was one more sample of their genuine regret, for others a phenomenal move by their publicists.

Felicity Huffman, desperate mother

Marche prisoner: celebrities who spent time behind bars

Sophia, her daughter, who wanted to enroll in the University of California, but the path of admission was difficult and Huffman decided to take a shortcut ...

As demonstrated in court, the actress paid $ 15,000 for a special supervisor to come to the home and help the student with her answers, that is to say "trout" the test. A "payment for extra help" known as a bribe.

The actress admitted her guilt. She was sentenced to pay a $ 30,000 fine and serve 250 hours of community service. They also sentenced her to four months in prison, which were finally two weeks and another 12 months of supervised release. She accepted everything relieved, her lawyer had warned her that this crime is punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

Wahlberg was sentenced to two years in prison for attempted murder. He remained in prison for 45 days and decided to change his life. “Going through jail was a real wake-up call. Throughout my life I have met and frequented undesirable characters. I made many mistakes and thank God I have been able to learn a lesson from all of them. Now all that is in the past ”.

In 2014, an already established Wahlberg asked the Justice to expunge his criminal record because he wanted to sign up as a "reserve agent" of the Los Angeles police. For some it was one more sample of their genuine regret, for others a phenomenal move by their publicists.

“I want to apologize to the students who work hard every day to get into college and to their parents who make enormous sacrifices to support their children and do it honestly,” Huffman stated, adding “I apologize to my daughters Sophia and Georgia, and with my husband Will. I betrayed them ”.

The greatest pain was not caused by the sentence assigned by the judge, nor by the dissemination of her photos in a convict uniform, but by the words of her daughter. "She told me: 'I don't know who you are anymore, Mom.' And she asked me: 'Why didn't you believe in me? Why didn't you think I could do it myself? '

Like other celebrities who committed crimes, the actress said she was "deeply ashamed." Is that celebrities know that even if a judge condemns them, the acquittal or final conviction will always be given by the public.

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