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Ricardo Chávez stars in his own telenovela in real life

Ricardo Chávez stars in his own telenovela in real life

Ricardo Chávez stars in his own telenovela in real life

2010 was the year in which Ricardo Chávez felt the deep need to express himself beyond giving life to gallants or villains in melodramas on the small screen. It was thus that a decisive and dramatic event ended up prompting him to share his desires and his spiritual world. u201cI am always in contact with people who follow me on social networks, and I try to take the time to respond to their messages. On one occasion a girl who wrote to me a lot stopped doing it, disappeared and reappeared a few weeks later telling me that her last message was her farewell, since she wanted to kill herself, but that after receiving my answer she decided not to and started a fight. That moved me a lot and made a very strong impression on me. It was there that I decided to embark on this adventure u201d, commented to the actor in an interview with DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS.

Inspiration and struggle

After two years preparing his book Your life does not have to be a novel, Ricardo stayed away from the screens to completely turn to a spiritual journey, postponing his acting career, which in his opinion was not enough to touch hearts from the people.

Thus was born the manual that raises issues such as reincarnation, the evils of our times and the tools to achieve a better life. u201cOne as a public person sometimes has the power to help others, to be able to motivate them, to tell them something they need to hear u201d, commented the Mexican artist about the reason for the publication that he hopes to be a map to achieve happiness.

Ricardo Chávez stars in his own telenovela in real life

Chávez, through his book, seeks to translate in a simple and entertaining way the teachings and lessons that have marked his life, and to share his studies of various cultures and religions.

I would say that this text is a treasure map because it has all these truths that they have been repeating to us over the years, but that sometimes we do not understand them because we do not like religions, or because the religious are in charge of casting them to lose with their fanaticism, selfishness and with their egos u201d, said the actor.

Spirituality and love

From a very young age, Ricardo Chávez grew up in the midst of martial arts and oriental philosophies such as Zen, a discipline that his father instilled in him and to which he dedicates a chapter of his book: u201c The martial art saved my life on many occasions, it is a blessing. It is mistakenly thought that it is a violent sport, but the reality is that it is a discipline in which one only has to beat oneself u201d, he commented.

Chávez has managed to overcome whims and selfishness, something that he manifests when he shares his view of life, his character and his personality. u201c Television is a very complicated industry and it is very easy to get lost in the ego of thinking that you are more than another person, just by appearing on a screen, that is ridiculous. For me it has been very simple, pain is the best teacher and God always gives us two paths: the path of love and the path of pain. I do not consider myself more important than my colleagues who make up or put the lights on, the work they do is vital to me, because they are responsible for making sure I look good and that people continue to see us night to night u201d, He said.

Ricardo Chávez is currently focused on his audiobook and consolidating his relationship with the also actress, Sonya Smith, a romance that began in the recordings of the telenovela Marido en Alquiler, broadcast on the Telemundo network.

u201cMy character in this production has been a blessing, I saw the novel Fina Estampa, the original, and I loved the role that I am playing because it precisely shows the qualities that I think a man should have: loyalty, fidelity and ability to love without selfishness. I also had the fortune and the blessing to meet Sonya, the love of my life who is far beyond science fiction. She is a wonderful woman. The years will show the greatness and purity that is in our love u201d, he concluded.

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