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What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

Those who marry someone from the royal family, know that everyone will feel free to omit opinion and criticize everything they do. On the other hand, when we join a family, all its members analyze us and give us their point of view of everything we do. Those who join royalty also go through this process. Let's find out, then, what her new relatives think of Meghan Markle.

Her Followers Within Royalty.

Entering the monarchy was a problem for Meghan Markle. After all, her acting background didn't position her as perfect for royalty, especially when compared to people like Kate Middleton.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

Although the American has been a controversial addition to the family, she has many supporters. There are people who are delighted that she is now a part, including some of her relatives.

Negative Advertising

Sometimes it's easy to forget that Meghan has fans given the amount of negative publicity she receives. Since she and Harry became a couple, many people have spoken ill of the Duchess.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

The criticisms range from her dressing up as a celebrity, to accusations that she is a demanding boss, for which she earned the nickname "Difficult Duchess." On top of that, it is said that she is trying to turn Harry against her family.

Rumors Everywhere

It is almost impossible to know if what is said about Meghan is true, due to the amount of false information that circulates in the virtual world and in the media. Every day there seem to be a dozen new stories, but only a few of them are actually true.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

The rest are made by malicious people who want to see the Duchess fall. This makes it difficult to know what the true opinion of the royal family is about her and this is what we really want to know.

No Brotherly Bond

One person who has been the frequent subject of rumors about her relationship with the new Duchess is Kate Middleton, the wife of Prince William. The former actress' sister-in-law has received a lot of media attention over the years, though she's never been scrutinized as harshly as Meghan. Considering that the two of them entered the Royal Family as strangers, it was assumed that they would form a close bond.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

However, reports have suggested that there are many frictions between them. It all started after they got into a fight at a dress fitting for the American's wedding, which allegedly brought one of the women to tears.

Hostile Relationship

Kate was the one who apparently cried and things got hostile between them from that episode. According to sources, what happened showed her first-hand how demanding the Duchess can be and put a permanent strain on their relationship.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

This did not come to light until after the wedding and caused public opinion to split. One group of people supported Meghan, while another supported Kate. Unfortunately for the former, it soon became clear who has the most followers.

Reasons for the Move

It didn't take long for rumors about Meghan and Kate to hit the headlines of all the media. Within a few months, almost every article about the duchesses referred to their enmity. They supposedly hated each other so much that the former packed her things and moved from London.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

It was a big deal, especially since the former actress was initially rumored to be settling in next door to her sister-in-law. However, we wonder: Was the fight really responsible for the change in plans or did Meghan just want to escape the big city?

They seemed to be close

Before it began to be said that Kate and Meghan were getting along, the public perception of their relationship was completely different. It was believed that women got along very well, and that the Duchess of Cambridge was helping her sister-in-law adjust to royal life. Body language experts claimed that the new Duchess showed a lot of interest in her new "sister" and noted that they seemed to have a connection.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

However, all of this contradicted the rumors that emerged soon after, which begs the question: What is your relationship like now?

Two Different Worlds

Unfortunately, royals don't tell anything about their private lives. Neither woman has said a word of what she thinks of the other. However, they most likely don't have a great relationship because they don't have much in common.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

They come from different countries and lived completely different lives before getting married, so it was inevitable that they would collide. However, just because they are not each other's favorite person does not mean that there are fights between the two.

Bonding Through Motherhood

While they probably have differences of opinion, their relationship is not completely fraught with tension. They were seen together at Wimbledon in 2019 and they seemed to get along, especially now that Meghan is a mother. Reports indicated that having a child made things better for women because there is something now that brings them together.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

That definitely makes sense, especially given how much they both value their parental responsibilities. However, without any official word from the Duchesses, it is difficult to say anything with absolute certainty.

Brother Problems

The relationship between Meghan and Kate is likely to grow stronger over time, especially now that they rarely see each other. The same goes for Markle and William, who are also rumored to be in a fight. The tension in their relationship became apparent in 2019, although it had apparently been brewing for a while.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

It seems that the future king made some comments that Harry and her wife did not like. This generated a fight between the brothers.

An Unwanted Opinion

Before Harry and Meghan got married, William was concerned that the wedding was a mistake. It wasn't because he disapproved of the bride, although he had his reservations about her, but it was because everything moved too fast. Kate reportedly felt the same, much to Harry's disappointment.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

Even though Prince Charles' youngest son and his girlfriend had only been together for a year, the young man had no doubt that they were made for each other. If someone couldn't accept that, then his opinion didn't matter to him anymore.

Independent Projects

After William made those comments, he created a gap between his family and Harry's that may never be fixed. The two couples have apparently been estranged for months and the four of them rarely spend time together.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

Their relationship has become so strained that the Duke of Sussex no longer shares the charitable foundation with his brother and sister-in-law. Together with his wife, he decided to establish one of his own in 2019 so that he could have independent projects, it was said, but it was probably because they are estranged.

Caring for Your Family

While William probably didn't mean to upset Harry with his comments, it is understandable why he did. As the future king, he has to look out for the interests of his family. You don't want anyone to come in and take advantage of them, especially considering how much is at risk.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

It was only natural for him to worry that his brother would marry after only being with Meghan for a year. In his case, it took him about a decade to make sure that Kate was the one.

The benefit of doubt

Of course, as much as William wants to protect his family, he also knows that he needs to keep them close. The monarchy is strongest when everyone gets along, so they cannot afford to fall. So even if you have concerns about Meghan, you have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

That means trusting that she is a good fit for Harry regardless of what has happened. It is not appropriate for a future king to go around thinking ill of his own relatives.

In Different Roads

Unfortunately, judging from what Harry said recently in an interview, William has failed to put his problems aside. In the documentary "Harry & Meghan: An African Journey", the duke mentioned that he and his brother were on "different paths". He said there are "good days and bad days" between them and it seemed they were now experiencing the latter kind.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

That would indicate that William is currently not getting along with Harry and, by extension, neither with his wife. This is great news given that the siblings were always close before Meghan showed up.

Hope for the future

Of course, from what Harry said in the interview, chances are high that their relationship can be repaired. He said that he and William "would be eternal brothers" and that he would "always be there for him." These observations suggest that there is hope for the future, even if it takes time to get things right.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

If the siblings befriend each other, that will mean that William will finally give his blessing to Meghan. After all, she and Harry go hand in hand.

The Queen's Opinion

So it seems Meghan hasn't impressed the future king, but what about the queen? If there is anyone who should like her, it is her. It's hard to say for sure what her husband's grandmother thinks of the former actress.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

Reports suggest that the monarch constantly changes her opinion of the Duchess based on her behavior. One minute, he likes Meghan, and the next he completely disappoints her. Why is this?

Showing Favoritism

Certain behaviors indicate that the queen accepts her grandson's wife. After all, he invited her to spend Christmas with the royal family before she and Harry get married. That is something that even Kate was not allowed to do.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

In addition, the Queen also invited Markle on a solo excursion a few weeks after they were married. That was also more than Kate got, as the Duchess of Cambridge had to wait a year for such a privilege.

Offered Support

Apparently, the Queen has not only shown favoritism towards Meghan, but also reportedly shows empathy for everything the Duchess has been through. Since entering the Royal Family, the former actress has faced a level of criticism that few people in the monarchy have experienced before.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

This has made life incredibly difficult for the Duchess, who did her best to put on a brave face. Apparently, the Queen has appreciated that and offered Meghan moral support. However, that doesn't mean she is the number one fan of women.

Crossing the Line

As much as the Queen sympathizes with Meghan, she will not allow anyone in her family to make the monarchy look bad. Unfortunately, the Duchess has done it many times in recent years, whether she wanted to or not.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

The documentary was a recent example of this, with Markle seemingly crossing the line of acceptable by criticizing how rigid the Royal Family is. The sovereign reportedly did not like her words at all.

Family Drama

The documentary isn't the only thing about Meghan that has disappointed the Queen. Apparently, the monarch is not at all happy with all the drama that the American's family has caused over and over again.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

Ever since Thomas, the Duchess of Sussex's father, sparked controversy with the photos he sold of his daughter, the Markles have been dragging the Royal Family name through the mud. The sovereign would have loved to nip the problem in the bud, but instead, Meghan ignored the situation.

Forgiving Your Mistakes

Although Meghan has a complicated family, she cannot control the behavior of her relatives. Even if she had tried to fix things, it wouldn't necessarily have worked in her favor.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

The Queen is unlikely to hold a grudge against her for this, as she does for everything else the former actress has done. She loves all of her grandchildren and even their partners and does her best to stay on good terms with them.

Warning you

One family member who might not be as forgiving of Meghan's behavior is Prince Philip. The man's relationship with the Duchess was shaky from the start, as it appears he wasn't a big fan of Meghan's background.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

Felipe allegedly suggested to Harry that starting a family with him would be a big mistake. He reportedly told the Prince that "you date actresses, you don't marry them." Harry evidently did not pay attention to his grandfather's words.

Using His charm

While Felipe wanted to prevent Harry from marrying Meghan, he is apparently not totally averse to the girl's charms. It seems that since he met the Duchess, he has formed a strong bond with her. It helps that she apparently showed interest in meeting him and even asked him lots of questions about his side of the family.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

Since Felipe is a man proud of his roots, this delighted him. But we wonder: Was it enough for them to form a friendship?

Two Different Opinions

Felipe never told the media whether he likes his grandson's wife or not. However, he likely has two different opinions of Meghan, one based on him as a person and the other on him as royalty.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

We believe that one is definitely more favorable than the other. While you may not like the Duchess's public demeanor, that doesn't mean you don't like her as a person.

Your Number One Fan

Prince Philip may not know what to think about Meghan, but the same cannot be said for his son. Carlos appears to be the most prominent defender of the Duchess in the royal family.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

He's been praising her since day one, seemingly seeing in Meghan what the rest of her relatives don't. Perhaps she reminds him of his ex-wife and feels the need to defend her after disappointing Diana.

Substituting Her Father

In many ways, Carlos has taken on the role of Meghan's father figure now that things between her and Thomas are so tense. The fact that the Prince of Wales took his daughter-in-law down the aisle to marry his son proves it.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

This fact sent a message to both Thomas Markle and the rest of the world that she was there for Meghan in the same way that any parent should be there for their children. I couldn't have been more proud to welcome you into the family.

Strengthening Your Bond

Charles has never been considered the best father. The relationship that William and Harry share with him has been strained because he has always been more focused on work than parenting. However, it seems that Meghan could have made him change.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

Reports suggest that the Duchess has helped Charles and Harry bond, a feat no one else has accomplished before. While father and son may not be the best of friends, they were never as close as now.

Always willing to support her

No matter what Meghan does, Carlos seems willing to offer her support. He doesn't want to disappoint her after everything she's done for him. That certainly means a lot to the Duchess, especially considering how often she is criticized.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

That the heir to the throne supports her publicly should be a huge relief, especially since she's fighting so much criticism right now. Getting along with her father-in-law was, without a doubt, a good strategy for the former actress.

Stealing Your Place

After the Meghan and Harry documentary drama, Carlos was said to be furious. It wasn't so much about what the couple said, but the fact that it overshadowed the work he was doing overseas at the time. His role in the Royal Family has always been man's main concern, so it's no wonder he hated the idea of ​​being overshadowed.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

It also didn't help that Meghan, a few days earlier, apparently canceled a meeting at the last minute. The Prince was not happy that she had disappointed him like this.

Work First

Anyway, it seems that Charles still holds Meghan in high regard. It will take more than a little shade for the Prince's favorite daughter-in-law to fall from grace. However, just because it's in your favor now doesn't mean things can't change in the future.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

At the end of the day, Carlos is basically Meghan's boss, so sometimes she has to put work ahead of her own feelings. If the Duchess tries to destabilize things in the royal family, she could meet a very powerful enemy.

Defending the Monarchy

Carlos is not the only one who cares very much about protecting the monarchy. His wife is just as passionate about it, as evidenced by the comments she allegedly made about Kate before marrying William.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

Camilla might have joined the Royal Family under a cloud of shame, but she still defends it with all her might. If you see someone dishonoring the monarchy, you will not sit back and watch them perform, but will get involved and defend it.

She has been through the same

Of course, when it comes to Meghan, Camilla can't help but empathize. After all, she has a good idea what the Duchess is experiencing, considering how hated she once was. After her affair with Charles became known, the Duchess of Cornwall became public enemy number one.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

It took years for that to change. She was so hated that she knows better than most how to help Meghan look on the bright side of it all.

It was enough

While Camilla might be best suited to guide Meghan, some reports have suggested that the women are not particularly close. Allegedly, Carlos's wife was enraged when Meghan got pregnant at the British Fashion Awards and attracted a lot of attention.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

The Duchess of Cornwall felt her daughter-in-law was out of place, so she decided enough was enough. The American had broken the rules too many times and this time, she wasn't going to get away with it. Of course, these are all rumors.

Reasons for Concern

As much as Camilla could have faced Meghan, the reality is far less sinister. The Duchess of Cornwell is actually a fan of her daughter-in-law, although, like her husband, she has her limits. Meghan and Harry's recent behavior definitely gave her cause for concern, especially for fear that things will get worse in the future.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

If that happens, it is unlikely that Camilla will continue to offer her support to the Duchess. After all, she is too proud of her place in the monarchy to hug someone who tries to take it from her.

The Forgotten Family

Two people who are supposedly not big fans of Meghan are her husband's cousins, Beatrice and Eugenie. Sometimes considered the forgotten members of the Royal Family, these two were apparently unhappy when the Duchess entered the scene. They reportedly felt their presence pushed them out of their inner circle even further, which made them quite bitter.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

The women weren't happy to be sidelined by someone like Markle, especially since they supposedly didn't think she was "good enough" to be part of the monarchy. Unfortunately, her complaints fell on deaf ears.

Delay the wedding

Between the two sisters, Eugenie is definitely the one with the most grudge against Meghan. After all, the duchess allegedly caused the princess a lot of trouble regarding her wedding. For one thing, the date of the ceremony apparently had to be delayed due to Meghan and Harry not being available.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

She wouldn't have minded getting married without them present, but royals reportedly thought differently, especially given how popular the couple was at the time.

Stealing The Bride's Attention

Getting the wedding delayed was one thing, but that was nothing compared to what Meghan supposedly did on the day of the ceremony. It was reported that the Duchess decided to tell those present that she and Harry were having a baby on the same day that Eugene was married.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

If that's true, it stole all the attention from the bride on what was supposed to be her special day. There are definitely better times to share news like that than at someone else's wedding, but this didn't stop the Duchess.

It's Not Something Important

Carlos's brother's daughters don't spend a lot of time with their cousins ​​anyway, which could actually be a good thing. If they are seldom around the woman, then any resentment towards him has likely lessened.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

We doubt that any member of the royal family has lost sleep over any possible tension between Meghan and her husband's cousins. However, it would be interesting to see what happens when the big day comes for Beatrice, who is getting married next year.

Part of the family

Regarding everything to do with the Royal Family, it is always difficult to know precisely what the truth is. Almost everything that is written about them in the media is hearsay, so deciphering the real from fiction is almost impossible.

What Do Royals Say About Meghan Markle?

However, it seems that Meghan is not as hated as the internet suggests. Some of her relationships may be stronger than others, but she is considered part of the family. Although there may be arguments or fights between them, show us a family in which there are none. They will surely not find any!

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