2020 US election: Melania's exit plan - will she get divorced if Trump loses?
Again and again there are rumors about marriage problems with Melania and Donald Trump. Now it has probably leaked what the first lady intends to do if Trump loses the election.
Washington - When Donald Trump won the US presidential election, his wife Melania is said to have cried in shock. This is what it says in the journalist Michael Wolff's reveal book “Fire and Fury”. She had supported her husband in the election campaign. But apart from that, she rarely takes the floor to this day. Even in personal dealings with Trump, Melania does not give the impression of being happy in her marriage and the role as first lady. So it has happened several times that one of the two has turned the other off on advances.
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Some observers are therefore already predicting a divorce in the event that Donald Trump loses the election *. In fact, Melania * would then be well protected thanks to a marriage contract. Jacqueline Newman, managing partner and divorce specialist at the New York law firm Berkman Bottger Newman & Schein, speculated on the Business Insider portal that Melania probably “improved the terms” when she became first lady.
The book "The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump" also supports this thesis. "She wanted written evidence that Barron would be more like the three eldest children of Trump * in terms of financial opportunities and inheritance," it says. According to the New York Times, Trump pays his three children with Ivana Trump $ 650,000 annually. According to the divorce agreement, the daughter with ex-wife Maples will receive $ 100,000 in maintenance until she is 21 years old.
In addition, Melania made sure that Barron received citizenship of the United States as well as that of her native Slovenia. That makes a possible career in the Trump organization in Europe easier.
US election 2020: Melania herself would also be better protected in the event of an election defeat and divorce than before her time as first lady
Melania has probably also adjusted her own financial security. "Whatever the amount she was originally supposed to receive, I expect she will want to increase it," Newman speculated. "If she were to get divorced now or after Trump's presidency *, many things would be different for her as a first lady than if she had simply remained Donald Trump's wife."
Your leverage to get Trump to revise the marriage contract was to move to the White House in 2017. Officially, it was said that Melania did not want to tear son Barron out of his environment in the middle of the school year. But that was not the only reason.
In view of the first lady's good contacts in the New York fashion industry, insiders and observers expect, according to the Gala, that Melania Trump will move back to New York if Trump is defeated - where she would allegedly like to found a modeling agency. * Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.