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AxiosTrump's Scoop is preparing a media coup

AxiosTrump's Scoop is preparing a media coup

AxiosTrump's Scoop is preparing a media coup

The president is ready to declare himself a winner on election night if he takes the lead in some of the poised states, clearing the next tally of the seventy-five million ballots sent by post or through early voting procedures, traditionally with a large democratic majority, such as the evidence of Biden's fraudulent attempt to overturn the poll results

The authoritative news site Axios has unveiled Donald Trump's plan, anticipated to friends and advisors, to declare himself the winner of the presidential elections as early as Tuesday evening if he is ahead in the counts of the ballots, without having to wait to add the seventy-five million ballots expressed by post or through the early voting procedures

The authoritative news site Axios has unveiled Donald Trump's plan, anticipated to friends and advisors, to declare himself the winner of the presidential elections as early as Tuesday evening if he is ahead in the counts of the ballots, without having to wait to add the seventy-five million ballots expressed by post or through the early voting procedures

"The Trump team - wrote Axios - is preparing to say that the ballots sent by post counted after November 3, a count that everyone expects to be in favor of the Democrats, are proof of an electoral fraud".


Triggering the project the Trump team has been working on for weeks will be the probable advantage of the president, particularly in Pennsylvania, in counting the ballots expressed on election day, without waiting for the counting of those sent by mail which traditionally are instead large democratic majority. And that, given the size, will need many days to be counted. The Trumpians will therefore be ready to say on television that a possible reversal of the count made on the evening of the vote would be proof of the electoral fraud in favor of Biden.


Spoken by Axios, spokespersons for the Trump campaign said that the news "is just an attempt to create smoke around Trump's victory, because when he wins he will say it himself", essentially not denying the president's subversive intention.


Jason Miller, one of Trump's advisors, instead said that the president "will be easily re-elected and no post-election robbery by the Democrats will be able to change the result".

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