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Johnny Depp agreed to quit the Fantastic Beasts saga

 Johnny Depp agreed to quit the Fantastic Beasts saga

Johnny Depp agreed to quit the Fantastic Beasts saga

The actor recently lost a defamation lawsuit against The Sun newspaper, which labeled him a "wife abuser" due to accusations by his ex-wife, Amber Heard.

Johnny Depp will no longer continue in the magical world of Warner Bros. The actor decided to leave the Fantastic Animals franchise, in which he played the dark magician Grindelwald, after losing the noisy defamation lawsuit against the British tabloid The Sun around allegations of domestic violence during his relationship with his ex-wife, Amber Heard.

Through a brief letter, the actor explained that the studio asked him to abandon the role of Grindewald, a character who is the main enemy to defeat in this new story located in the world of Harry Potter and that he was planning to play in three more films.

The following is the letter that the actor published:

"In light of recent events, I want to make the following short statement.

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has given me their support and loyalty. I am humble and moved by the many messages of love and concern from him, particularly in the last days.

Second, I want to let you know that Warner Bros have asked me to resign from the role of Grindelwald in Fantastic Animals and I have respected and accepted that request.

Finally, I want to say this. The unrealistic judgment of the court in the UK will not change my fight to tell the truth and I can confirm that flat to appeal. My resolve stands strong and I try to prove that the accusations against me are false. My life and career will not be defined by this moment in time.

Thank you for reading. Sincerely, Johnny Depp. "

The trial between Depp and The Sun ended up defining that the story published by the media, which classified the actor as a "wife abuser", had support from the information revealed by Heard.

The article in question was entitled: "How can JK Rowling be 'really happy' casting wife abuser Johnny Depp for the new Fantastic Beasts movie?"

Ultimately, the court did not accept the request for a millionaire compensation demanded by Depp, who sued the newspaper and its executive editor, Dan Wootton. On another side of all this controversy, the actor is also legally facing Heard, but in US courts.

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