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Elizabeth II meets with Harry under threat of possible blackmail from Meghan Markle

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 Elizabeth II meets with Harry under threat of possible blackmail from Meghan Markle

Elizabeth II meets with Harry under threat of possible blackmail from Meghan Markle

The actress could accuse him of racism and sexism in an interview, if the couple does not get what they want

The waters are turbulent in the British Royal House and much more after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced, through an official note, their intention to resign as members of royalty and become financially independent. Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Prince William will meet Harry at Sandringham today to try to reach an agreement. Some media echo the warning of journalist Tom Bradby, who has interviewed the couple on several occasions and advised to go with caution to the real meeting, from which serious consequences could arise.

Possible accusation of racism

Among those consequences, the possibility is considered, according to Tom Bradby, that Harry and Meghan grant an interview, in the event that they do not get what they ask for, in which they say things that could damage the image of the British monarchy. It is feared that the Duchess of Sussex will speak out accusation of racism and sexism. The actress will not be present at the meeting, at least physically, since she could be through a video call from Canada.

A contract with Disney

On the other hand, it has transpired that the Duchess of Sussex signed a contract with the American company Disney to record a voiceover, a job for which the firm will make a donation to an organization that protects elephants, Elephants Without Borders (Elephants without borders), although more details about the contract have not been disclosed, according to EFE.

The queen forgot about the couple at Christmas

Following Harry and Megan's announced decision to separate from the royal family, a Buckingham spokesman said "we understand your desire to take a new approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to handle." The couple intends to divide their residence between the United Kingdom and Canada, where they spent two months before Christmas. By the way, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex did not understand well that Elizabeth II did not show any photographs of her during her Christmas speech, while she did appear alongside images of Prince William and his wife Kate with their three children, as well as of his father and his woman, Camila; and others from the Duke of Edinburgh, according to The Times, who spoke of the couple's "disgust", who would have made their decision to become independent "in part" for this reason.

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