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What would happen to Meghan and Harry's son if his parents divorced

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 What would happen to Meghan and Harry's son if his parents divorced

What would happen to Meghan and Harry's son if his parents divorced

According to Lady Colin Campbell, it would be very difficult for her to return to England where her paternal family is

Ever since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex left the crown in search of their financial freedom, they seem to have found Los Angeles their favorite place to live.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been living for more than three months in a millionaire mansion owned by producer Tyler Perry, who offered them his house located in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in the city. However, if the marriage decided to go their separate ways, the life of their son Archie Harrison would have an unexpected turn.

Although Harry and Meghan fled the United Kingdom, among other things, due to lack of privacy, when they arrived in the United States they ran into the same thing: drones lurking for their lives and paparazzi in search of an exclusive, to the extent that the marriage requested the support of the Los Angeles police.

After their stay in Canada and then in the United States, the prince and the actress do not plan to return to live in Windsor, where Queen Elizabeth II left them Frogmore Cottage so that they have a place to live in case they decide to do so, but that is not now the dilemma, but his one-year-old son Archie Harrison.

What if Harry and Meghan divorce or split up?

Since the baby currently lives in the United States, his mother's country, it would be very difficult to return to England, where his paternal family is. According to Lady Colin Campbell, Archie would remain "trapped" in America until he is 18 years old.

"If someone's matrimonial home is in England and they divorce or separate, the child must remain in England until they are 18 years old, except with the consent of the interested parties," said the expert according to the newspaper "Express". Situation that applies in all countries that belong to the Hague Convention.

"That means once Meghan moved Harry and the baby to the United States, if they established operations in the United States, and there is a separation and / or divorce, unless Meghan agrees that the baby returns to live in England, the baby he is trapped in America until he is 18 years old. "

What is sought with the Hague convention is to protect minors when their parents separate. This civil law was created in 1980 to address a gap in international law regarding the immediate return of children taken abroad by one parent without the consent of the other parent.

That is, if Meghan and Harry split or divorce, the actress would have to give Prince Harry permission to bring Archie to the UK. Although this would change if Prince Charles, Harry's father, becomes king, as his grandchildren would be in his custody, as is currently the case with Queen Elizabeth II and her grandchildren.

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