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This is the habit Meghan Markle can't break

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 This is the habit Meghan Markle can't break

This is the habit Meghan Markle can't break

We all have little habits that we are used to, some of which we don't even realize when we do. Have you noticed Meghan Markle's? The future wife of Prince Harry touches her hair constantly.

In an interview with Good Housekeeping magazine, Blanca Cobb, body language expert and author of the book Method of Masters, explains why both Meghan and the rest of the world have these little habits, which we generally do to feel more comfortable.

This is the habit Meghan Markle can't break

According to Cobb, most people who touch their hair, play with their nails, or rub their arms do so as a psychological way to calm themselves when they feel anxious, uncomfortable, or stressed.

"Some people touch, twist, or play with their hair in social situations that make them feel uncomfortable, for example when they don't know what to do or say," Cobb says.

In addition, she noted that the context is key to determine these habits. For example, if someone touches their hair a lot in non-stressful situations like talking on the phone, reading a book, or watching TV, then it's more of a habit that they don't even realize. But, if they touch their hair when they are in an argument or when they feel uncomfortable with someone, then it is more of a way to communicate this with their body.

This is the habit Meghan Markle can't break

“Meghan Markle touching her hair is a subtle gesture,” notes Cobb, “her head bends down a bit too. Sometimes when you feel too much attention you could lower your chin a little as a way to protect yourself, "he added.

In the end, we all need a bit of comfort in situations that can be intimidating and uncomfortable, each one demonstrates it differently.

However, Cobb notes that touching your hair can also be a sign of confidence.

"The way she's holding her hair suggests she's playing with the cameras."

With the fame and prestige that Meghan is gaining by joining the royal family, we may see them do this more often, also as a sign of confidence.

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