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Melania Trump admits: she "doesn't always agree" with her husband

 Melania Trump admits: she "doesn't always agree" with her husband

Melania Trump admits: she "doesn't always agree" with her husband

This October 27, Melania Trump made a solo meeting for the first time, a few days before the US presidential election. On this occasion, she admitted to having some subjects of disagreement with her husband.

In retreat in recent months, Melania Trump emerged from her chrysalis to campaign alone on October 27, in key Pennsylvania state. It was the first time that the First Lady was the subject of a solo rally for the re-election of her husband, on November 3. On this occasion, she offered her support to the victims of Covid-19, from which the American president and herself have recovered, and spoke of her own experience of the disease. "Like many of you, I have experienced the direct effects of Covid-19 - not only as a patient - but also as a concerned mother and wife," she told the audience. "I know there are many people who have lost loved ones or know people who have been touched forever by this silent enemy."

Melania Trump admits: she "doesn't always agree" with her husband

Through this prism, the First Lady of the United States vehemently criticized Joe Biden, the Democratic Party candidate. “He thinks he could have done a better job. Well, the American people can look at Joe Biden's 36 years in Congress and his 8 years as vice president, and then determine if he will finally be able to do anything. thing for the American people, ”she said. Acid words for the one whose absence has been felt over the past few months. Indeed, his attitude has exploded as many wives have campaigned for their husbands in the history of the American elections.

Melania Trump admits: she "doesn't always agree" with her husband

Disagreement on the "way he says it"

Sincerity or communication operation? Melania Trump admitted during this first meeting her few areas of disagreement with her husband. "I don't always agree with the way he says it, but it is important for him that he speaks directly to the people he serves," she confessed, as she and her husband have repeatedly objected to wearing the mask. Indeed, the First Lady has never ceased to distance herself from Donald Trump's casual behavior. She had also decided to publish a press release to insist on the health measures taken at the White House, while the American president constantly downplayed the seriousness of the virus.

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