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Ivanka Trump counteracts hatred: the daughter of a political opponent defends her

Ivanka Trump counteracts hatred: the daughter of a political opponent defends her

Ivanka Trump counteracts hatred: the daughter of a political opponent defends her

 As if Donald Trump's opponents had only been waiting for it: Ivanka Trump had hardly commented on the US election when she was flooded with hateful comments on Instagram and Twitter.

 Ivanka Trump is making the headlines these days. Now a long-time confidante of Donald Trump's 39-year-old daughter has spoken. Georgina Bloomberg (37) and Ivanka were friends for years and spent a lot of time together. Bloomberg defended the character of the 39-year-old in an interview with "The Daily Beast".

Ivanka Trump: longtime friend defends Donald Trump's daughter

Ivanka Trump is a "wonderful, smart person" who had to take a lot of criticism that she did not deserve, according to Bloomberg, according to the report. In addition, Ivanka coped well with the situation in her father Donald Trump's election campaign. She is a "good and supportive daughter who does a good job." "People always assume that the daughters of politicians agree with everything their fathers do - or that they stand up for exactly the same things." The 37-year-old continued: "That's just not true," said Bloomberg.

Georgina Bloomberg can well put herself in the shoes of Ivanka Trump: She is the daughter of Mike Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City. Among other things, he applied for the 2020 presidential candidacy of the Democrats, but failed. Regarding the friendship between the two politician daughters, Bloomberg said that they had not seen each other for a long time. This is mainly due to Ivanka Trump's role in the US government, which takes a lot of time.

Friendship between Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump ended

The daughter of Trump's political opponent Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, was friends with Ivanka Trump for years. During the course of Donald Trump's tenure and the accompanying support Ivanka Trump for her father, Chelsea Trump turned away from Ivanka. "I have no interest in being friends with someone who is not only complicit, but actively participates in this government's day-to-day collision of cruelty and incompetence. That's the answer, "said Chelsea Clinton about the end of the friendship.

Update from Tuesday, November 10th, 2020, 5 p.m.: After Donald Trump's election defeat, the US President is withdrawing. It is said from the White House that Trump continues to isolate himself.

It also says that his defeat in the 2020 US election could now have consequences for his relationship with Melania Trump. Corresponding rumors are fueled by information from former employees. Daughter Ivanka Trump has not yet commented on this.

Update from Monday, November 9th, 2020, 5.15 p.m.: Shortly before the weekend, Ivanka Trump broke her silence. On Friday (November 6, 2020), the 39-year-old published a statement on Instagram. In it she emphasized that every legally cast vote should be counted - but not every illegally cast vote.

More than 53,000 users of the social network have now reacted to the statement - the majority with negative comments: “Finally pack your things” or “Bye, bye, you're out” can be found in the comment column in large numbers.

Ivanka Trump comments on the US election and receives negative comments

It is unlikely that Ivanka Trump will take care of the comments and even respond to them. However, it is also questionable whether professional social media management will do it for you. Before the 2020 US election it became known that Ivanka Trump was using her private e-mail address for her government job: That doesn't exactly show professionalism.

Meanwhile, her stepmother Melania Trump has commented on the situation in the White House.

Update from Sunday, November 8th, 2020, 8:18 pm: The US election 2020 has now been decided. Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden. Before the defeat, daughter Ivanka Trump already commented. Now "CNN" reports that Melania Trump is said to have recommended her husband to recognize Biden's election victory.

US election 2020: Ivanka Trump comments on Donald after a long silence

Update from Friday, November 6th, 2020, 9:25 p.m.: The 2020 US election has still not been decided. Ivanka Trump, the daughter of US President Donald Trump, remained silent for a long time, but now she has also commented on the US election. In a story on Intagram, she wrote: “Every legally cast vote should be counted. Any vote that is not legally cast will not. That shouldn't be controversial, ”she writes in the social medium.

She also wrote that this was not a statement by a supporter. "Free and fair elections are the foundation of our democracy," says the brief statement by the daughter of US President Donald Trump.

US election 2020: Ivanka Trump already receives offers for reality shows

Update from Friday, November 6th, 2020, 10:20 am: The 2020 US election has still not been decided. It is therefore still unclear whether Ivanka Trump will continue to take on an advisory role at her father's side in the future. According to a report by the women's magazine “The List”, numerous reality shows are already said to be interested in the daughter of incumbent US President Donald Trump.

Ivanka Trump counteracts hatred: the daughter of a political opponent defends her

According to the report, Ivanka Trump is said to have received numerous offers, such as joining the show "Dancing with the Stars". In the dance show, dance couples are formed from celebrities and professional dancers, who compete against each other in the live show. With another TV appearance, Ivanka Trump would join a tradition that has existed in her family for a long time. Her father Donald Trump was the presenter of the show "The Apprentice" for years. Ivanka Trump herself also appeared on the show. Whether Ivanka Trump will actually find her way into reality shows remains uncertain, as after her political career at the side of her father it is possible that she will devote herself to more serious self-portraits.

Ivanka Trump responds to the 2020 US election with a tweet

Update from Wednesday, November 4th, 2020, 10:45 p.m.: While her father Donald Trump is falling behind Joe Biden in the polls, Ivanka Trump has now also commented on the US elections. The adviser to the US President did not comment on the outcome of the election to the US President. Rather, Ivanka tweeted her congratulations to Bill Hagerty.

The Republican candidate stood in Tennessee in the dispute over a place in the US Senate against Lamar Alexander. Hagerty won the day. The former US ambassador to Japan will represent his state in the coming years.

Update from Tuesday November 3rd, 2020, 2:09 a.m.: Even before all polling stations close their doors in the US election, Ivanka Trump has turned to the electorate. The daughter of US President Donald Trump sent an urgent appeal via Twitter: “Stay in the queue. IT DOES NOT WORK. We need you. "

Ivanka Trump garnished her tweet with the hashtag #RedWave, red wave, which is supposed to conjure up a victory for the Republicans in the presidential elections as well as in the elections in Congress.

First report from Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020: Washington D.C. - Ivanka Trump is considered Donald Trump's favorite daughter and is said to have an influence on Donald Trump. Because her influence is said to be even greater than that of Melania Trump, she is also called "First Daughter". In addition, she was already considered Donald Trump's secret weapon in the run-up to the 2020 US election. How will she react to a possible defeat of her father on the night of the 2020 US election? Observers speculate that Ivanka Trump herself wants to succeed Donald Trump and could thus continue Trumpism despite a defeat.

Ivanka Trump is an ambivalent figure in the Trump administration. First of all, Ivanka Trump corresponds to Donald Trump's ideal of women himself, which he likes to flirt with with sayings like, I would date her if she wasn't my daughter ‘. In addition, Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner seem to pull the cord: in behind the scenes.

2020 US election: Ivanka Trump campaigns for US President Donald Trump and defends controversial politics

Both were appointed advisors by US President Donald Trump after the 2016 election. Jared Kushner was given no less task than solving the Middle East conflict. Ivanka Trump was given particular tasks in the area of ​​women's policy. The qualifications of Ivanka Trump were discussed many times. The former model and the moderately successful designer has a business degree but doesn't have a lot of experience in international politics. She mainly gained experience in the Trump Organization. Ivanka Trump's husband Jared Kushner, who owns many real estate in the US, had previously made negative headlines with unscrupulous business models, as the New York Times revealed. The US President Donald Trump was repeatedly accused of nepotism because of the appointment of Ivanka Trump as an advisor.

Donald Trump: Favorite daughter of Donald Trump poses as a benefactor for women's rights

Ivanka Trump was quite active during her father Donald Trump's tenure. Ivanka Trump founded an initiative that enables the unemployed to retrain. This seems strange, especially for the daughter of an entrepreneur whose dealings with employees are repeatedly criticized. Trump fired a number of employees during his time as US President, some of them after just a few days.

Ivanka Trump also wrote the book "Women who work", which was published in 2017, during Donald Trump's tenure. However, it is extremely questionable whether the billionaire daughter Ivanka Trump really has a sense of the worries and needs of lower-class Americans: Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are repeatedly referred to as snobs in the USA. Shortly before the 2020 US election, a poster from "The Lincoln Project" in Times Square brought Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner in connection with corona deaths in the USA. Trump and Kushner threatened to sue the organization that was founded by Republican Trump opponents.

US election 2020: First daughter Ivanka Trump campaigns for Donald Trump's politics

Ivanka Trump made a number of campaign appearances for her father Donald Trump until shortly before the 2020 US election: she appealed to the electorate to vote for her father and promoted his controversial politics. In her appearances, Ivanka Trump appears in designer clothes, in which she presents herself as a benefactor for women's rights and the needs of workers, rather as a counterpoint to Donald Trump's often aggressive demeanor.

"Felt like a bribe" - Ivanka Trump criticized

The fact that Ivanka Trump is not as modern as she likes to present herself shows, for example, her attitude towards abortions. In 2017 Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner are said to have met with the women's organization Planned Parenthood, as Independent.uk reports. According to the organization, which offers cancer screening and advice on all aspects of pregnancy and abortion, Ivanka Trump offered more financial support if abortions were no longer offered. Ivanka Trump's proposal felt like a bribe, according to an employee of the organization. The organization refused.

Ivanka Trump: Donald Trump's daughter does not refuse to be a populist

In one of her interviews, Ivanka Trump was also approached about populism. In her response, Ivanka Trump practiced again playing down racist remarks and the populist appearances of her father Donald Trumps and said that these labels would limit "you" as "you" call or define "yourself". But she does not reject this label at all.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner could have committed a criminal offense

Most recently, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner came under fire for secretly meeting Kanye West, who is also running as a US presidential candidate in the 2020 US election. Collaboration between campaign teams is prohibited in the USA. The background: Kanye West could tap votes in important states. Since the US musician has no chance of winning the 2020 election, the votes could go to Donald Trump. Ivanka Trump is also said to have used the private e-mail account for her duties in the Trump administration.

Donald Trump: Rowdy behavior by the US President is no longer well received

Surveys on the 2020 US election, however, show that Donald Trump's rowdy behavior, which was also shown in the first TV duel with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, is less popular with white female voters than with male white voters. In this group of voters, masculinity is apparently defined by the man as the protector of the woman. Unlike in 2016, Donald Trump's behavior is currently more deterring voters, since Trump as US President no longer has the bonus of an outsider who allegedly criticizes the establishment.

US election 2020: Ivanka Trump with ambitions to succeed Donald Trump

Ivanka Trump, according to her own statements, nevertheless defines herself as a “Trump Republican”. She is also assigned future ambitions for the office of the US presidency. Donald Trump Jr. also shows ambitions in this regard and could continue Trumpism.

Donald Trump, his wife Melania Trump, their son Barron Trump and Donald Trump's children from past marriages, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump and Tiffany Trump, apparently want to spend the night of the 2020 US election in the White House - and not as announced in Donald Trump's luxury hotel. (First report from Delia Friess)

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