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Prince Harry reveals how many children he and Meghan plan to have

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Prince Harry reveals how many children he and Meghan plan to have

Prince Harry reveals how many children he and Meghan plan to have

On May 6, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex became parents for the first time with the arrival of Archie Harrison, and it may be normal that, like most parents, they have faced the question of whether they are considering having more children. and how many, or if they plan to follow in the footsteps of their brother William and Kate by having, so far, three little ones.

During an interview, Prince Harry clarified this doubt.

The best son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana revealed that he and Meghan only want two children in a bid to help save the planet.

Defending ideals

During this talk, he raised his concern about climate change and what we will leave to the children in the future.

The 34-year-old Duke of Sussex made this extraordinary revelation in a candid interview with conservationist Jane Goodall as part of the British Vogue issue that Meghan recently collaborated on.

Harry said that becoming a father has made him see the world differently and the couple only wants "two at the most" to help protect the environment.

The topic of giving Archie a brother came up when Harry and Goodall spoke about the environmental crisis and climate change.

"What we must remind everyone is that this is happening now," said Prince Harry after Goodall alerted about the shortage of natural resources. «We are already living it. We are the frog in the water and the water is already boiling, "he added.

The prince claimed to have always felt "love for nature", but expressed that the arrival of his first-born has changed his approach.

«I see it differently now, without a doubt. But I've always wanted to try to make sure that, even before I have a child and hope to have children… ”, stated the Duke of Sussex before being interrupted by Goodall with“ Not too many!

Prince Harry reveals how many children he and Meghan plan to have

About racism

In the same interview, Harry also spoke candidly about racism in Britain and how 'unconscious bias' is often passed down from generation to generation.

The prince told 85-year-old Dr. Goodall that British people need to understand where their biases come from in order to tackle racial discrimination.

'It is an unconscious bias. Something that many people do not understand. Even if you tell someone: ‘what you just said or did is racist’ they turn around and say: ‘no, I’m not racist.

Recall that since Meghan and Harry made their relationship known and, subsequently, their engagement, the attacks against her began due to her skin color and African-American origin.

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