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Royal Fracture: William and Harry now share Diana's legacy

Royal Fracture: William and Harry now share Diana's legacy

Royal Fracture: William and Harry now share Diana's legacy

 How the funds of the foundation dedicated to the memory of Lady Diana were distributed: documents relating to the charitable projects of Prince William and Prince Harry published

What happened to Lady Diana's moral and material legacy?

The Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund was born from the death of Princess Triste, a charity fund that since 2013 has been managed by the Royal Foundation, whose control since summer 2018 has been taken over entirely by Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton .

And Prince Harry? According to reports from the Sun, the two brothers divided Lady Diana's charity fund starting from their split. But to understand you have to take a step back.

In June 2018, Harry and Meghan Markle left the Royal Foundation and for many months there was also talk of an alleged emotional rift between the Dukes of Cambridge and those of Sussex. A month before Harry left the foundation, leaving everything on his brother's shoulders, the two agreed to split the money between some charitable foundations. In other words, Lady Diana's charitable legacy has been fragmented from a financial point of view, but not from a moral point of view. Because it actually responds to the Princess of Wales' desire to do good to as many people as possible.

In fact, in December 2019 the Royal Foundation granted half of the revenues of the Lady Diana fund to the Sussex Royal foundation, which however no longer exists. "In March 2020 - the documents read - the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced that they would no longer run the Sussex Royal foundation as the main philanthropic vehicle in the UK and consequently their share of the net income will instead be donated to a another charity chosen by the Duke of Sussex ”.

According to the documents summarized by the Sun, in 2019 the Royal Foundation received 21,346 pounds (the consideration of 23,709.21 euros) from the founding of the late Lady Diana. The Royal Foundation received a very similar amount last year, with a difference of around £ 200. Half of that amount then went to Harry, who requested and obtained that his share go to the Sentebale charity, which he himself founded to help victims of extreme poverty and HIV in Lesotho, Botswana and Malawi. In addition, upon its establishment, the Sussex Royal Foundation received a grant of £ 145,000 from the Royal Foundation. And recently, in full Megxit, Harry received a hundred thousand pounds for the development of Travalyst, his program focused on sustainable tourism development.

Meanwhile, the Royal Foundation has taken over the headquarters for Sussex Royal's inherited projects, Empowering Communities and Full Effect, which combat youth violence in London and Nottingham and provide funding for a community kitchen in West London. Eventually the Endeavor fund was transferred to the Invictus Games Foundation, while the Coach Core program became a new charity in its own right.

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