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This is Meghan Markle's powerful feminist speech confirming the wisdom of her decision to leave the British royal family

 This is Meghan Markle's powerful feminist speech confirming the wisdom of her decision to leave the British royal family

This is Meghan Markle's powerful feminist speech confirming the wisdom of her decision to leave the British royal family

Because when you are 'royal' there are things that you simply cannot say out loud and in front of millions of people.

Despite the fact that his litigation with the tabloid press is still active, as evidenced by the letter he sent to the British media threatening new complaints if they made public the names of several close friends who have managed to remain anonymous all these years; Meghan Markle for the moment continues to focus all of her efforts on humanitarian work.

A mission, to achieve a better world for the new generations, that both she and Harry have been carrying out since they moved to the United States. Sometimes in person, as they demonstrated by distributing food during the pandemic to those most in need; and sometimes telematically with messages sent on video to associations that ask for their help to spread their message of solidarity.

And this is precisely how we have seen Markle again today, who has given an inspiring speech to close the Girl Up Leadership Summit. A meeting in which several women from all professional fields have encouraged the youngest to raise their voices to become leaders of change.

Dressed in blue and with very long hair, Markle wanted this time to acknowledge in her speech the work of women who are actively fighting to improve society, but also to encourage them not to give up and to continue to press for their demands are taken care of.

"I want to share something with all of you: in the places where power is exercised, where legislators, executives and world leaders work, they depend on you more than you depend on them. And of course they know it," Meghan warned them.

"They know that you, at a younger age than ever in history, are setting the tone for an equitable humanity. That is why we desperately need you to push hard in a more inclusive, fairer and more empathetic direction. You cannot. settle for framing the debate: you have to be in charge of it. You have to push for it to talk about issues such as racial justice, gender, climate change, mental health and well-being, civic engagement ... You have to continue the work you are already doing " , he claimed.

"I know that you have already done a lot to improve the lives of many, many people. But the moment in which we are living requires all of us to do more. Your voices and your action were never so necessary. Because believing in true equality is not enough : We have to work for it every day; even when it is difficult and even when others feel uncomfortable. We have to speak for ourselves and we have to raise our voices for others who are struggling to be heard, "she denounced before speaking of her own experience with power, specifically, of the problems he has had in recent years to get his ideas heard.

“I know that sometimes it is not easy to know what to do. Fear often paralyzes us and prevents us from being brave and bold. But never make the mistake of believing that you don't have the answers. Don't underestimate your ability to overcome fear. Stand firm in your convictions. Your instinct will tell you what is right and what is wrong. What is fair and unfair. The hardest part, and it was the hardest for me, is defending your convictions with firm deeds and actions, ”she revealed.

"If we look at the magnitude of the problems we are facing as women at the moment, I understand that it is very easy to feel overwhelmed. That is why I advise you to focus on the moment. It is possible that you no longer feel the change we are looking for , but when you look back, I promise you that everything we do adds up, "he warned.

“Right now we are building better communities and a better world for ourselves step by step. But the good thing is that the pace of those steps is getting faster and faster. And when we look at the whole is when we can see how far we have progressed, "she concluded.

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