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Melania Trump and her moving boxes: but what is she taking from the White House?

Melania Trump and her moving boxes: but what is she taking from the White House?

Melania Trump and her moving boxes: but what is she taking from the White House?

 Melania Trump is said to be sorting through her various things. If some must stay in the White House, others will join New York and Mar-a-Lago.

A page is turning for the White House. In just over a month, Joe Biden and his wife Jill will move into the private apartments at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington. In the meantime, Melania Trump is packing her bags, as CNN reveals. While her husband is still disputing the outcome of the US presidential election, the ex-First Lady, impatient to leave, has already taken care of sorting out his affairs. While some will remain in the presidential residence, others will be sent to the Trump Tower. For the rest, Barron's mom would have to ship them to Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida.

At CNN, a source close to the former Slovenian model assures him: "She just wants to go home." According to three sources interviewed by the American media, an inventory is currently underway at the White House to list the furniture, works of art and objects belonging to Trump. Melania Trump is in charge of sorting the porcelain in the presidential residence. So many necessary tasks for the First Lady who has made her feel at home over the past few years.

Redevelopment of the White House in 2017

When she arrived in 2017, she hired interior designer Tham Kannalikham, with whom she had redeveloped the personal quarters of the White House. The former model has also appealed to the professional again for Mar-a-Lago, according to a source interviewed by CNN. Very invested in the interior of the White House, Melania Trump supervised the redevelopment this year of the Rose Garden of the presidential residence. An initiative that has attracted much criticism, the original colorful spirit giving way to bushes and a few white and pink flowers.

Donald Trump's wife also closely followed the construction of the tennis pavilion. A commitment for the White House from which she should draw a book. Far from wanting to write her memoirs like Michelle Obama, Melania Trump would consider writing a book on the art of White House hospitality or on design projects she coordinated within the residence, according to one source close to publishing house. One way to leave a lasting mark in this legendary place.

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