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Melania Trump in talks to write her memoir

Melania Trump in talks to write her memoir

Melania Trump in talks to write her memoir

 As she prepares to leave the White House, the First Lady is reportedly negotiating the writing of her memoir. The opportunity to settle accounts with his ex-advisor Stephanie Winston Wolkoff.

The ultra-discreet Melania Trump no longer intends to be silent. As Page Six confirms, Saturday, November 28, the current First Lady has been in a series of meetings for some time about a brand new project: writing her memoirs. "Melania is in a meeting to recount her years in the White House," said a source close to the Trump clan. And the money she earns will be hers - a chance for her to become financially independent. I was told that her husband encouraged her. "

One thing is certain: Melania Trump's testimony could be worth millions. "She is not finished, and is not going to be as quiet as you think," the Page Six source continues. When asked, the White House declined to comment.

In video, Melania Trump or the art of non-verbal communication

A book to counterattack

Such writings could be the way for Melania Trump to settle scores with her ex-advisor Stephanie Winston Wolkoff. The latter revealed in Melania and me, published on September 1, the less glowing aspects of the personality of the first lady of the United States: a cold woman, casual and selfish.

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Usually reluctant to comment on scandals, Melania Trump nevertheless wanted to defend herself. Without once mentioning the name of her former friend and collaborator, Donald Trump's wife scratched her in a text published on October 16 on the White House website. “Someone who says they 'made' me when they barely knew me, someone who clung to me when my husband won the Presidency. It's a woman who secretly recorded our phone calls, broadcasting a part out of context, then wrote a book of pure gossip to try to distort my image, ”denounced the First Lady. Before deploring a "dishonest behavior in order to try to exist".

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