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Trump is a disgrace, but now it is up to us to prevent such a catastrophe from happening in Italy too

Trump is a disgrace, but now it is up to us to prevent such a catastrophe from happening in Italy too

Trump is a disgrace, but now it is up to us to prevent such a catastrophe from happening in Italy too

 Now that the American president is calling for firing at his own fellow citizens, perhaps it is clear what it means to elect an incompetent populist like him. Or like Salvini, Meloni and the Cinquestelle

Donald Trump is America's greatest catastrophe since September 11, 2001, the first anti-American president of the United States, parody of the crude, arrogant and racist Yankee, the dream come true of the enemies of the free world, anyone's nightmare grew up with American popular culture. Liar, violent, ignorant, there is not a moment of the presidency of the Scoundrel-in-chief that is not a moral, civil and social embarrassment for anyone who cares about the dignity of politics, personal dignity and the epic of the American dream .

Racial violence in America has always been there, even in the Barack Obama years, and there will still be, as Joe Biden said yesterday, but this is the first time that a US president dusts off fascist slogans, prefers despots to leaders. Democrats, courts the former KGB, defines neo-Nazis who beat blacks as "good people", uses supremacist slogans, closes borders, builds walls instead of tearing them down, runs the White House with the methods of Cosa Nostra bosses, fires anyone hesitate to repeat your lies or try to curb your nonsense, threaten traditional allies, blow up the international agreements on which America's greatness was built, point to journalists as "enemies of the people", terrorize opponents via Twitter and possible internal dissidents, rewards his private interests, intimidates companies that do not comply with his wishes, does not protect his fellow citizens from the epidemic in order to pursue an advantage and ectoral, suggests injecting disinfectant into the veins against the virus, forcibly prevents protests, calls for the army to be deployed on the streets, urges the police to use force, calls for a target practice against the Americans who pretend not to die from being strangled by cops just because they are black.

This is Trump, a C-class actor who aspires to play the role of the great dictator and who finally feels one step away from getting the part of life.

It cannot be said that it was not all very clear since he conquered the Republican Party of the Bushes and the McCains and the Romneys. After all, if the last two presidents and the last two Republican candidates, that is the heads of the American conservatives from 1988 to 2016, became never trumper militants, never Trumpians, some doubts should have come to those who imagined that once in power instead Trump would have done well.

The presumed rationality of government of the authoritarian politician is an argument with a fallacious logic, in Budapest as in Ankara, in Washington as in Moscow, but also in Rome.

Matteo Salvini is a groupie of Trump and Putin, Giorgia Meloni of Trump alone, Putin campaigned to some of their friends. But even the left-left on both sides of the Atlantic preferred Trump to the "neoliberal" Hillary Clinton, and still today does not look badly at the dismantling of free trade agreements initiated by Trump. Alessandro Di Battista, between a praise for Venezuela and an infatuation for the Iranian Ayatollahs, has repeatedly explained that Trump is much better than Obama. Giuseppe Conte scrambled to embrace his friend Donald, as well as his friend Putin, while Di Maio, well Di Maio, as usual, didn't understand anything.

The dean of American conservative columnists, George Will, wrote in the Washington Post that Trump should be removed from the Oval Office, imagining that the president will not hesitate in the coming months to corrupt the electoral process if he senses that the economic crisis, the carnage from Covid- 19 and popular uprisings could weaken his chances of re-election.

The former chief of staff of the American armed forces, Mike Mullen, nominated by George W. Bush and confirmed by Barack Obama, yesterday said that "we can no longer remain silent" in the face of Trump's behavior, because "the our fellow citizens are not enemies and they must not become so ».

Obama intervened, Bush intervened, even Lachlan Murdoch, owner of FoxNews, intervened to remind his employees that "it is essential to observe the mourning of the Floyd family, closely following the rumors of the peaceful protest and first of all understanding that black lives matter, that black lives are important. "

Senior Christian right-wing leader Pat Robertson, a super reactionary, has asked the president to stop because what he is doing "is not cool". A spot signed "Republican voters against Trump", broadcast on FoxNews, uses Trump's words and images of the disasters of his presidency and calls "for an end to Trump's American carnage in November".

This president is a danger to democracy in America and with the pseudo doctrine America First (which is actually Trump First) he is one of the main culprits of the world chaos. November 3, provided that Trump does not prevent his compatriots from voting, will be the decisive day for the future of the West and the planet, but the lesson these days for Americans and the rest of the world is that it can no longer be done. pretending nothing, we can no longer ignore what happens every day, we can no longer hope that time will bring advice.

If Trump or his sweetened versions such as Boris Johnson, Marine Le Pen, Viktor Orbán, Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and the five-star suckers go to the government of democratic countries, the final game is already written: weakening of international institutions, end of alliances traditional, farewell to peace between nations, exit from Europe, monetary sovereignty, widespread misery, racial tensions, social uprisings, subjugation to China or Russia without the possibility of the Seventh Cavalleggeri coming to save us.

But if America is waking up, it still remains to understand where the Italian indignation is, where are the center-right voters against Salvini and Meloni, and those on the left against Di Maio and Di Battista, where are the great columnists, the area media leaders, conservative and progressive exponents, the military, state officials, former presidents who say enough with the incendiary language of the current populist and nationalist leaders against immigrants, against political opponents, against allies, against Germany, against France, against Greece, against democratic institutions, against the single currency? The problem is that they are not there.

In a formidable article by Anne Applebaum in the next issue of Atlantic we read that, when the regimes fall, history always ends up judging the accomplices, those who for different reasons have allowed the unspeakable to happen.

There is no need to go very far to identify who for opportunism or for quiet living or for banal idiocy today jokes with fire: we are the willing accomplices of the enemies of liberal democracy, we who build a false moral equivalence between authoritarian and anti-democratic havoc Trump and those like him and any shortcomings of Democratic opponents ("Hillary's emails", "and so the Democratic Party"?), we who give credit to Salvini, we who invite Meloni, we who give the microphone to Casaleggio , we who take Rousseau seriously, we who do the live shows of Pappalardo, the vaffadays and the fascist rallies, we who hang from the lips of a hiker like Grillo, we who pay homage to Di Battista, Borghi and Bagnai, we who do not squirm Vito Crime as it deserves, we who govern with Conte and Di Maio.

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