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What does Marco Rubio think of the race against Ivanka Trump in Florida

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 What does Marco Rubio think of the race against Ivanka Trump in Florida

What does Marco Rubio think of the race against Ivanka Trump in Florida

It seems that things in Miami will soon heat up and we're not talking about global warming. Rumors are circulating that former first daughter Ivanka Trump, who just bought a property in the city's upscale Indian Creek Village with her husband Jared Kushner, is considering running for the Republican Senate seat in 2022. If so , would put it directly against current Sen Marco Rubio, also a resident of Miami, in the primary, according to the New York Post.

In mid-January 2021, Politico reported that Kushner has "worked resolutely to protect and promote his wife's" political career ", including" calling people and trying to line them up saying that Rubio is terrible, useless ".

So when Rubio Fox News appeared on Sunday, host Chris Wallace raised the rumors and the senator responded. Let's take a look at how Rubio, never Trump-er-turned Trump supporter, responded to the possibility of a challenge from Ivanka Trump.

This is what Marco Rubio said when he was asked about Ivanka Trump's plans

What does Marco Rubio think of the race against Ivanka Trump in Florida

Chris Wallace raised the issue to Senator Marco Rubio, saying: "There has been talk ... of the possibility that Ivanka Trump could run against you in a Republican primary in Florida." Then he asked the million dollar question: "How seriously do you take Ivanka Trump as a potential opponent?"

Rubio initially gave a noncommittal answer: "Well, I, I, are not really into Washington's parlor games." Then he continued with something equally neutral: “When you decide to run for re-election in a state like Florida, you have to be prepared for a competitive race, you run it as a competitive race, so that's what I'm preparing for. run, a very competitive race against a tough opponent “.

The senator, who was a leader in the opposition to the impeachment trial against former President Donald Trump, then replied: "I like Ivanka, and we have worked very well together on issues, and she is a US ..." before conclude and praise his accomplishments.

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