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The detail in the departure of Trump and Melania from the White House

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 The detail in the departure of Trump and Melania from the White House

The detail in the departure of Trump and Melania from the White House

Isn't something missing from this Trump scene? Social media users have pointed out and commented on the departure from the White House for a detail

Where is Barron?

 It is the question that is going viral in the face of the image of the departure of Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump from the White House at the end of their term as president of the United States.

The detail in the departure of Trump and Melania from the White House

Twitter has been filled with comments at the time of the departure of the still president, after around 8 in the morning he left Washington, while the entire country awaits the arrival of Joe Biden.

In the images you can see Melania Trump, dressed in black accompanying Donald Trump and on the way to the helicopter, the family would land in Florida, where they have their mansion, however, social media users asked about Barron, the youngest son of the Trump: Where is Barron?

The detail in the departure of Trump and Melania from the White House

Twitter users pointed out the absence of Trump's children who were present during these 4 years, such as IvanKa Trump and Donald Trump Jr, who had an important role in the president's policy, what has caused the most a stir in social networks is the absence of Trump's youngest son.

Many others have also ironized as if they had left him alone in the White House, as if they were the Alone at home movies (My Poor Little Angel).

CNN journalist Kate Bennet reported that Barron will go to Florida to finish the school year there. Additionally, Melania's parents will also live alongside the Trumps.

It is the first time that the departure of a president causes expectation, since as Trump himself had advanced, he will not be present at the inauguration of Joe Biden, although unlike Mexico, there is no formal act where the presence of the president is necessary outgoing.

Joe Biden becomes the 46th president in American history.

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