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The secret of Donald Trump's hair, a hair transplant?

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 The secret of Donald Trump's hair, a hair transplant?

The secret of Donald Trump's hair, a hair transplant?

His hair, its consistency, his color and the strange way in which it crowns his head has been the subject of theories, conspiracies and, of course, jokes of all kinds

Presidents, presidents and other personalities from high political spheres remain in the spotlight of public opinion even after the end of their functions. But, in addition to his "professional" stumbling blocks, aspects of private life also become subjects of interest and a reason for comments and criticism. Just say a name, Donald Trump, to prove this theory. Since his arrival at the White House in 2017, the current president of the United States has woken up every morning with at least one headline in the media bearing his stamp. 

And not precisely because of his management of the country (although also). His out of tune and his peculiarities have not left anyone indifferent and, even today, the investigations around him remain unsolved. His hair, its consistency, its color and the strange way in which it crowns his head has been the subject of theories, conspiracies and, of course, jokes of all kinds. But what is really behind Donald Trump's mane? Is it a wig or has the president of the USA undergone a hair transplant? 

The secret of Donald Trump's hair, a hair transplant?

THE ONLY POSSIBLE EXPLANATION FOR DONALD TRUMP'S "REAL" HAIR The current President of the United States has never had a problem discussing the appearance of other public figures. But when asked about his current hair, Trump laughs and assures: "My hair is real." Although he has tried to demonstrate this in various media appearances, doubts about whether it is a hairpiece or whether he has undergone some kind of treatment remain. In this case, it is best to consult the opinion and objective analysis of professionals. 

And, to that end, we have spoken with the hair transplant specialists at Clinicana, one of the famous centers that has made Turkey the world capital of quality hair graft interventions. After an exhaustive analysis of different recent images, the doctors of the clinic located in Istanbul assure that there are no indications that show that Donald Trump has undergone a hair treatment of these characteristics. The explanation is simple: the growth pattern and the location of the American president's hairline do not correspond to those normally obtained after a transplant. In addition, his hair is dense on the front and apparently very resistant, although his color and consistency do reveal the roots of the locks.

The secret of Donald Trump's hair, a hair transplant?

But, if Donald Trump has not undergone a hair transplant, why does he look so peculiar and not very credible? According to some of the members of his own medical team, due to the side effects of consuming Finasteride. This is one of the drugs legally approved by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration, the North American agency responsible for regulating food and drugs) for the prevention and treatment of hair loss.

 But Trump uses it to control and reduce prostate cancer markers. Two gains for the price of one medicine. Beyond all the gossip and ridicule that can be read on the internet, this explanation of the use of Finasteride seems to banish, forever, the possibility of hair transplantation as the true origin of Donald Trump's mane.

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