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The secret of Donald Trump's hair (revealed by his doctor)

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 The secret of Donald Trump's hair (revealed by his doctor)

The secret of Donald Trump's hair (revealed by his doctor)

Harold Bornstein has revealed the trick behind the hair of the American president that has caused so much talk

For many years its authenticity was questioned and rumored to be a toupee. But not. The hair of the American president, Donald Trump, is authentic and behind his luster there is a secret that has now been revealed by the one who for many years has been his doctor, Harold Bornstein.

The doctor has told 'The New York Times' that behind the health of the New York millionaire's hair is a drug that is used for prostate problems called finasteride, which stimulates hair growth.

In addition to reducing the levels of prostate antigen, the drug, which is marketed as Propecia, is used to treat androgenic alopecia, the most common in which men (and also women) lose their hair.

The secret of Donald Trump's hair (revealed by his doctor)

It is Spain, you can buy both the brand and a generic and the price varies according to the brand and the presentation. Of course, in any case, it is necessary to be prescribed by a dermatologist to be able to buy it in pharmacies and the dosage is one tablet every 24 hours.

Harold Bornstein has been Trump's doctor for 36 years, which means that he has been in his service for more than half his life (the president of the United States is 70 years old) and knows him very well. In addition, he boasts that he is the only person in the United States who has direct phone numbers - all - of both the president and his entire family, "more than the Secret Service," he jokes.

The secret of Donald Trump's hair (revealed by his doctor)

As he has said, "all of Donald Trump's hair is his." Which has also been questioned because there was also speculation about the possibility that they were hair implants, after he demonstrated, in various public appearances, that he does not wear a toupee. To prove it, he asked another person to verify that his hair was not false, as can be seen in this video:

Not only does Trump's doctor prescribe Propecia to his most famous client, but he confesses that he is a total fan of the preparation, which he even administers himself. "And I also have all my hair," adds the doctor, who is 69 years old, almost the age of the president.

Thus, regardless of whether the length or style of his hairstyle is more or less disputed and / or debatable, what is definitely clear is that Donald Trump owes the strength and luster of his hair to a drug, which, seen, it gives good results.

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