We know (finally) why Donald Trump has orange hair
Michael Wolff's book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” on the Trump Administration Behind the Scenes (forthcoming January 9, 2018) is already highly anticipated. Revelations, confidences… he lifts the veil on the first months of the mandate of the 45th President of the United States. The book also answers an existential question: why does Donald Trump have orange hair?
It is one of the most mysterious mysteries of this millennium (besides “Do aliens exist?” And “How could Kevin's parents forget their child in Mom I Missed the Plane? "). Politicians, editorialists, beauty journalists and politics have tried to find an answer to this question, without ever really succeeding: but why the hell does Donald Trump have orange hair?
Could it be to differentiate itself and be more recognizable? Given the character, it might have been likely. This hypothesis has also sometimes been put forward since the American presidential elections. In his new book (Fire and Fury: Inside Trump's White House, to be published on January 9 and of which New York Magazine has been able to obtain a few extracts), Michael Wolff, author and columnist, reveals behind the scenes of the administration and… the real estate mogul's biggest secrets. Among these secrets, the explanation of this famous haircut.
According to the writer (who was able to meet with Donald Trump's former adviser, Steve Bannon), Ivanka Trump, the daughter of the President of the United States, would regularly make fun of her daddy's hair. "She looks at him with a certain detachment, even irony, going so far as to make fun of his haircut," says Michael Wolff.
For her part, Ivanka Trump reportedly said her father has "an absolutely clean bald head top - a small island limited by scalp surgery - surrounded by a hairline in front and on the sides, which is slicked back to cover the top and held with a strong lacquer. " What about the color? "The color," she said in a comedic effect, "comes from the Just for Men hair color product - which darkens as you keep it on. It was impatience that made her hair orange-blonde." Striking revelations.